Games are played in four quarters of 10 (international) or 12 minutes (NBA).
The solid line on the chart below shows real G.D.P. for each of the four quarters of 2008.
Overtime: A five-minute extra period that is played when the game is tied after four quarters.
The paper analyzes the evolutional characteristics of China's industrial organizations from four quarters.
The economy has weathered the recession quite well, enjoying four quarters in a row of (albeit weak) GDP growth.
Now, to begin, I'm going to take in my mixing glass and add four quarters of a fresh lime, and about ten fresh mint leaves.
Oh, just put four quarters in this slot, push in and slide out. And the machine will finish all the washing cycles for you.
你只需在投币口投入四个二角 五 分 硬币,再推入,然后立即拉出,洗衣机就会完成所有洗衣程序。
So you will not understand, your every move will allow a girl kept in the hearts of the four quarters of the replacement credit.
Over the past four quarters, BLS reported, "unit labor costs fell 2.8 percent as output per hour increased faster than hourly compensation."
There will be years when the consumer falls short of that pace. The contraction of more than 1.5% over the past four quarters is a case in point.
Whole Foods reported that its operations in the U.K., where it owns six stores, lost $18.4 million, or 9 cents a share, in the last four quarters.
Four quarters would have amounted to only forty francs, and he could not owe four, because six months had not elapsed since Marius had paid for two.
As the chart shows, in the past four quarters, the H.264 format went from 31 percent of all videos to 66 percent, and is now the largest format by far.
从表中可以看出,在过去四个季度里,H . 264格式视频从31%增长到66%,是目前最流行的视频格式。
The company's online-search unit, Sogou Inc., is likely to break even in the next two to four quarters, said's chief operating officer, Belinda Wang.
Latest World gold Council quarterly demand statistics showed that gold jewellery offtake has improved over the past four quarters despite a higher gold price.
Your gas bills should give a figure for your usage each quarter - but remember you use very little in the summer months, so you'll need to add up the total across all four quarters.
And he shall set up a standard unto the nations, and shall assemble the fugitives of Israel, and shall gather together the dispersed of Juda from the four quarters of the earth.
California voted against Proposition 23, which would have put a hold on the state's cap-and-trade law until the unemployment rate, now over 12 percent, fell to 5.5 percent for four quarters.
And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.
So the Old Hermit of the Chestnut Trees offered him a magic parasol, decorated with a porcelain bird-woman, which took him to the four quarters of the world, from East to West and from North to South.
Internet revenue dipped in the first and second quarters for the first time in four years.
Americans rediscovered their taste for consumption: personal expenditures grew by an annualised 3.4 per cent after falling in four of the previous six quarters.
After four consecutive quarters of decline, GDP grew by 0.3% in the second quarter of 2009.
The region's two biggest economies, which had each suffered four consecutive quarters of negative growth, both grew 0.3 per cent in the three months to the end of June.
State oil companies control three-quarters of the world's crude oil reserves. Three of the four largest Banks by market capitalisation are state-controlled.
The British economy shrank by 0.3%, four out of the last five quarters have now had negative growth.
The British economy shrank by 0.3%, four out of the last five quarters have now had negative growth.