These raised it a few centimetres over a period of several days, as the lifting frame rose slowly up its four legs.
Here they were stacked up and tied back to a structural steel frame for both support and stability.
I ended up having a keyframe at every frame to get the results I desired.
Where such unlawful action has been taken for the purpose of frame-up, retaliation, taking bribes or other personal aims, criminal responsibility shall be investigated.
You may even get a better variety of sizes of prints and you can pick up a frame at the same time.
Clicking on any element in the left navigation menu brings up a detailed Web page in the right frame.
Also to refine that you can use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move frame by frame within the timeline, and adding shift to the mix moves you 10 frames either way.
Then the researchers analyzed the nighttime footage of the RBD subjects frame by frame to see if their actions and gazes matched up.
The multicoloured balls in bubble-gum machines could be picked up in a girl’s dress, or the red of a stiletto shoe matched with the frame of a shop window.
Wrapping up that unwanted picture frame from last Christmas and giving it to someone else as a gift might not be as taboo as it once was, according to a study.
Other planes and vehicles aren't covered with jaggies, and the frame rates still manage to stay up there.
It provides the ideal amount of magnification to frame portraits, and let you get great detail at concerts, weddings, and other events without moving up so close you disrupt the proceedings.
The hole in the sage-covered hill had been shored up by timbers. They were weathered and splintery, and looked like a picture frame around nothing.
If you're like me, you grew up watching Disney movies, admiring all the effort that went into creating each frame of animation.
The device enables infantry soldiers to lift and carry weights of up to 90kg in the field, and consists of a hydraulic-powered frame which straps around the soldier's body.
The original date was November 21, which was moved up from the "early 2012" time frame the publisher originally announced.
She says frame-up trials against her are taking place uninterrupted and will continue until the next parliamentary elections to prevent her from participating in politics and from helping people.
So if the community wanted a solution promoted within a short time frame, it would be up to WS-RM to provide it.
因此,如果社区希望短时间内推广一个相应的解决方案,则应由WS- RM进行此工作。
The technique builds up each frame of the movie from thousands of individual shots taken at precisely defined times.
Each family had claimed a little spot, made it home, rigged up some sort of shelter like a blanket on a frame of branches.
Re-frame: decide that you don’t mind doing a chore — like putting clothes in the hamper or hanging up wet towels.
When the kids are all finished stick it up on the fridge or put it in a picture frame and hang it on a wall in their bedroom.
When the hearse backed up to a wooden sidewalk before a naked, weatherbeaten frame house, the same composite, ill-defined group that had stood upon the station siding was huddled about the gate.
To keep your spare laptop from becoming a power draw (or running long and hot), consider setting up timers to run your "frame" only during your waking hours.
To keep your spare laptop from becoming a power draw (or running long and hot), consider setting up timers to run your "frame" only during your waking hours.