The image is received by a color CCD camera and digitized by PC based frame grabber.
The hardware system was composed of camera, frame grabber, computer, electric control box, movable vehicle, etc.
Realized the integration of the frame grabber card and GPIB instruments, completed the test system host controls software.
CCD camera dynamically grabbed image of chestnut conveyed by belt through frame grabber, which triggered by infrared sensor.
Another benefit is the robust, lightweight, and very compact housing. The camera transmits the images to the frame grabber in real-time.
The system includeS beam attenuator, single pulse selection and pulse synchronizing, beam matching, CCD Camera, frame grabber hard, monitor, computer and system software.
The frame grabber can capture 25 frames of welding seam image per second continuously and make it possible to fulfil the real time welding seam image processing and recognition.
DR is an electronic image acquisition system consisting of the sensor, a frame grabber in the computer and the software required to control the sensor and the do some basic manipulation.
A hardware platform of binocular stereo measuring system with simple structure was built with low cost, which consists of CCD cameras, lens, a frame grabber card, a computer and a tripod.
CCD array detector, frame-grabber card, image acquisition software constitute the image acquisition unit. The image processing software can store, display, process GeneChip image.
CCD array detector, frame-grabber card, image acquisition software constitute the image acquisition unit. The image processing software can store, display, process GeneChip image.