They provide frame rates up to 100 frames per second.
Other versions will allow streaming at 30 frames per second.
In the faster 10-bit mode, 300 full frames per second are acquired.
Movie cameras typically operate at a speed of about 24 frames per second.
The -mf fps=17 parameter tells mencoder to create a movie at 17 frames per second.
mf fps=17参数告诉mencoder创建每秒 17帧的影片。
Using Moonlights CPU rendering, one demo got between 2 and 9 frames per second.
If there are few frames per second to render, then much of the user code can be executed.
Player input, AI and the updating of the game state have enough with 25 frames per second.
Most Android displays run at or around 60 frames per second (or 60 Hz, in display jargon).
A video camera takes a picture of a scene. It does this at a frame rate of 30 frames per second.
In this case, 48 frames per second are used, with frames alternating for left eye and right eye pictures.
The scanner's camera runs at 500 frames per second, and captures rapidly flipping book pages in two modes.
National television scanning system is different, in China is 25 frames per second, each frame of 625 lines.
At 1000 frames per second water looks like nectar and even the smallest of ripples takes on a magical quality.
Target FPS: The frames per second deemed acceptable that is used as the benchmark to change the FPS text colour.
The default draw rate is 60 frames per second, although you can alter this rate by calling the frameRate function.
Television systems, which transmit 30 picture frames per second, must operate on a broad electromagnetic spectrum.
An easy solution to the timing issue is to just let the game run on a steady 25 frames per second. The code then looks like this.
The signals of the cameras are preprocessed in hardware and can be fed at rate of 30 or 60 frames per second into a computer.
All three can deliver up to 30 frames per second of high-quality video across the network and can be powered by Ethernet or 24 VAC.
Samsung's digital camera is capable of HD 720p quality video at 30 frames per second and includes a large touch screen LCD display.
The LIF technique is used for the visualization of the flow patterns which are recorded by a CCD camera at the speed of 25 frames per second.
This wristwatch-style receiver gives solidiers an aerial view of the battlefield with video beamed directly from drones at 30 frames per second.
The rate of creating third-dimension terrain can reach 20~30 frames per second. This rate can satisfy basically the need of displaying quickly.
"I learned so much about cinema, " Lee said of this breakthrough to Boston Herald. "With 120 frames per second, I got something new. So I think it's great. "
When OpenArena was running at 1024 x 768, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS was faster by about 3%, but both Windows and Ubuntu Linux were running at nearly 300 frames per second.
当OpenArena在1024x 768分辨率下运行时,Ubuntu 10.04LTS快大概3%,但Windows和 UbuntuLinux都在 300帧每秒下工作.
You specify the number of frames per second in a Flash application at compile time. Additionally, Flash Player breaks execution up into the following ordered tasks.
There was only one rule - teams had to hit 95 frames per second (the refresh rate of the Valve prototype hardware), or their demos wouldn't be shown at the showcase.
Chan points at the 30-inch computer monitor atop his desk in MIT's Research Lab of Electronics. "High resolution at 120 frames per second," he says: "That's a lot of data."
Chan points at the 30-inch computer monitor atop his desk in MIT's Research Lab of Electronics. "High resolution at 120 frames per second," he says: "That's a lot of data."