Designed by architect Frank O. Gehry - of Bilbao Guggenheim Museum fame - it is not only a remarkable building, but also the perfect place for wine enthusiasts to indulge their hobby.
它是由曾经设计过西班牙Bilbao古根海姆博物馆的建筑师Frank o . G ehry设计的,这不仅仅是个出色的建筑,葡萄酒迷们可以在里面尽情品鉴佳酿。
Designed by architect Frank O. Gehry - of Bilbao Guggenheim Museum fame - it is not only a remarkable building, but also the perfect place for wine enthusiasts to indulge their hobby.
它是由曾经设计过西班牙Bilbao古根海姆博物馆的建筑师Frank o . G ehry设计的,这不仅仅是个出色的建筑,葡萄酒迷们可以在里面尽情品鉴佳酿。