Methods: color reaction of free amino acids with ninhydrin was adopted, since, in certain extent, the color depth is correlated with the amino acid content.
The concentrations of individual free animo acids in heart, brain, lung, stomach, gut liver, spleen, kidney, and muscle tissues from 10 fetuses were determined with amino acid autoanalyser.
And 20 kinds of free amino acids were also identified by amino analyser. The total free amino acid content is 8. 629%.
The results indicate: appropriate heat treatment can increase the content of free amino acid, but a part of free amino acid will be destroyed or lossed with the heat temperature gradually increased.
The free amino acids in the cystic fluid of Cysticercus cellulosae were determined quantitatively by using automatic amino acid analyzer.
Free amino acid spectrum of blood serum, esophageal tissue and esophageal cancer tissue were analyzed with Automatic amino acid Analyzer in 22 patients with esophageal carcinoma.
Objective: To compare the changes of free amino acid profile between plasma and liver after semi starvation.
Drought increased, while waterlogging reduced the contents of total nitrogen and free amino acid in stem and sheath, and that of protein in grain.
Results showed that the flavor and free amino acid content were significantly influenced by above factors.
The chlorophyll and soluble sugar content of green asparagus and pea seedlings declined during storage period, and the contents of free amino acid, fiber, cell wall polysaccharides, lignin increased.
Fertilization could increase the fat, protein and free amino acid content of peanut kernel, and improve kernel quality.
The nutritional status and plasma free amino acid (PFAA) of 17 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) were assessed with and without acute lower respiratory tract infection.
The content of peptides in fermented liquid first increased and then decreased, so as to indicate that the soy protein was hydrolyzed into peptide and then into free amino acid during fermentation.
Now Taurine is a free-form amino acid that participates in a variety of metabolic processes.
Amino acid profiles of different sufu Products indicated that the occurrence of white particles is closely related to the amount of free tyrosine in sufu.
In the present study, the effects of bacteria kinds, wind speed, relative humidity, drying time and temperature on flavor and free amino acid content of dry duck were investigated by orthogonal tests.
This study of experiment condition to the free amino acid content in drink milk, the method of determining free amino acid in drink milk was established using ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
The contents of free amino acid (FAA) in Cysticercus cellulosae affected by albendazole in vitro were determined by using 835-50 type of automatic amino acid analyzer.
Free amino acid formulae contain single amino acids as the protein source.
Theanine is a special kind of free amino acid in tea, which is not the constituent of protein, its content has positive relation with tea quality.
The metabolic disorder of proline, aspartic acid and other free amino acids in "CMS158" line is a cause of pollen abortion.
Objective To study the relation of changes of plasma free amino acid with hypertension for the purpose of instructing our clinical treatment.
The contents of total free amino acids, flavor amino acids and essential amino acid of hybrid snakehead increased by 7.90%, 9.19% and 9.01%, respectively.
SDS-PAGE was used to analyze proteolysis of dry-salted duck samples of different processing phases and the free-amino acid(FAA) were tested as well.
Abstract : This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary taurine content on growth performance, body composition and tissue free amino acid contents of grouper (Epinephelus coioides).
The amino acid analysis direct system was used to test the free-glycin in dairy drinks, and the methods for sample pretreatment and chromatographic parameters were studied in this paper.
In the process of aging no significant changes were discovered considering the content of total amino acid and free amino acid in the water-extracted substance of broad bean sauce.
The bitterness could be removed by the addition of aminopeptidase. The amount of free amino acids was increased by 28.8 % and the amount of hydrophobic amino acid was also in-creased obviously.
The bitterness could be removed by the addition of aminopeptidase. The amount of free amino acids was increased by 28.8 % and the amount of hydrophobic amino acid was also in-creased obviously.