Anyone, once tested positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.
Activities related to AIDS prevention, free medical treatment, drug development, and other levels.
Instead they were told they had "bad blood" and could receive free medical treatment, rides to the clinic, meals and burial insurance in case of death in return for participating.
Even when we were burying 50 people per day, I was still able to provide free land, security, and medical treatment.
Fatuma Kosar Abdi is a multi drug resistant TB patient. She will be receiving free treatment until she has completed the daily medical regime.
This month, Santa Cruz Tzu Chi volunteers and the French Hospital organized a free clinic in Viana Village, which is in dire need of medical assistance. 270 patients received treatment.
He put his experience in medical treatment into practice for common people and practiced medicine around the states to free people from illness and suffering.
Prisoners have the right to maintain good health. They enjoy free medical care and receive a regular medical checkup every year. If they become ill, prompt medical treatment is given.
At that time, only the treatment of AIDS drugs from abroad, is very expensive, no free internal medicine and medical treatment needed a lot of money.
The three-dimension reconstruction technique of free-form surfaces has been widely used in many fields such as manufacturing industry, art design, medical treatment and plastic surgery.
At the same time, HIV infection comprehensive health and HIV patients when they seek medical treatment taboo "by a three-free" policies.
At the same time, HIV infection comprehensive health and HIV patients when they seek medical treatment taboo "by a three-free" policies.