The doctors are not entirely sympathetic, "If there was a surgery to enlarge brains, we would offer him a free trial," they quip.
DB2 Enterprise 9: Download a free trial version.
DB 2Enterprise9:下载它的免费试用版。
Download a free trial version of DB2 Enterprise 9.
下载DB 2Enterprise9的免费试用版。
Download a free trial version of DB2 Enterprise 9.5.
下载DB 2Enterprise 9的免费试用版。
Inline help on 37signals clarifies the conditions of the free trial.
Meanwhile, it was giving out half-year free trial of Norton Anti-Virus.
Download a free trial version of DB2 Enterprise 9 Now you can use DB2 for free.
下载DB 2Enterprise9的免费试用版。现在可以免费使用DB2。
One idea to seriously avoid: giving users say, a 30-day limited-time free trial.
The free trial version of DgDiscover from Dataguise now supports DB2 environments.
来自Dataguise的免费试用版dgdiscover现在支持DB 2环境。
Let's go to the store with the massage chairs. They let you have a free trial.
The easiest way to begin with XQJ is to download a free trial from DataDirect.
学习XQJ最简单的办法是从 DataDirect下载免费的试用版。
However, you can download a free trial version of DB2 9 Enterprise Edition if you wish.
但可以下载DB 29企业版的免费试用版。
Many of these sites have free services and lessons, as well as a free trial period.
Now sign into your account or if you don't have an account you can start a free trial.
Time Based free trial -give a free trial for X days and start charging once the trial ends.
A free trial for one month is offered in the countries where the service is available.
If you don't have access to LotusLive, you can sign up for a free trial of LotusLive Engage.
Maybe you could offer 10% off their next subscription, or a free trial to your service for 30 days.
There's also a 21-day free trial and an online demo to help show you how the application works.
To provide security credibility, could be a free trial, the trial later confirmed with payment!
You can see them all over the next 30 days with a no-obligation free trial. Here's more information.
Refer to the Resources section to download a free trial version of DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
从参考资料部分可以下载DB2 9.7for Linux,UNIX,and Windows的免费试用版。
I thought I downloaded a free trial but a window keeps popping up and asking for a registration key.
Numerous multimodal browsers exist in the market, some of which offer free trial versions (see Resources).
Of course, this isn’t “lending” in its true sense, it’s just opening up a title to a free trial for another user.
Of course, this isn't "lending" in its true sense, it's just opening up a title to a free trial for another user.
The first instance is the service or software that offers a free trial and then converts users into paying customers.
Mobile Speak allows a free trial license so that you can freely test the software with no restrictions for one month.
What this case study demonstrates is that sometimes it isn't enough to just convert free trial users into paying ones.
What this case study demonstrates is that sometimes it isn't enough to just convert free trial users into paying ones.