The court affirmed that the information can be made public under the Freedom of Information Act.
They tried to get the video under the Freedom of Information Act and it was refused.
Freedom of Information requests have revealed the details of Afghanistan civilian deaths.
But it was used to create a climate that this thing - freedom of information - was damaging business.
A briefing on the project has been released in response to requests under freedom of information law.
Today the Guardian reveals how Jones withheld the information requested under freedom of information laws.
More recent papers, such as a 2004 CIA report about abusive interrogations, have emerged under the Freedom of Information Act.
ABC News got wind of this photography project and filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to get the images released.
Researchers report that it is much more difficult and time-consuming to obtain information under the Freedom of Information Act.
GROSS: Now, let's talk more about the FBI documents that you were finally able to get through the Freedom of Information Act.
The team used an American law, the Freedom of Information Act, to get unpublished reports on thirty-five clinical trials of four drugs.
Wikileaks approached the foundation last year to manage its donations because of its reputation in supporting the concept of freedom of information.
Freedom of information and the related role that personal confidentiality plays in ensuring that freedom are two things that stand out, among others.
The programme will include an interview with an unnamed former serviceman who put the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts request to the ministry.
It recommends they ask teachers to show them the materials being used and, if they refuse, advises them to demand it through freedom of information legislation.
Ken Bunting of the National Freedom of Information Coalition says data from the council members' iPads should be public record, although the law varies by state.
Almost 500 children were abducted from the UK and taken abroad illegally last year, according to figures released to the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act.
Information released by No 10 under freedom of information rules also showed the pair spoke on the day the Hutton report into the death of Dr David Kelly was published.
White has promised that Mikva can have anything he wants, and Mikva, who certainly understands the Freedom of Information Act, says all documents he gets will be public.
The documents, released under freedom of information legislation, record leaks classed by the regulator as "major" or "significant", which, if ignited, could cause many deaths.
There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request.
But the seriousness of the potential loss, and the nature of the information, were outlined in an internal MoD memo, which was obtained under Freedom of information legislation.
But the seriousness of the potential loss, and the nature of the information, were outlined in an internal MoD memo, which was obtained under Freedom of information legislation.