The court affirmed that the information can be made public under the Freedom of Information Act.
They tried to get the video under the Freedom of Information Act and it was refused.
Due Tho's real views of me were must await Hanoi's adoption of a Freedom of Information Act.
The forecast is made in documents released by the Home Office under the Freedom of Information Act.
What Le Due Tho's real views of me were must await Hanoi's adoption of a Freedom of Information Act.
More recent papers, such as a 2004 CIA report about abusive interrogations, have emerged under the Freedom of Information Act.
ABC News got wind of this photography project and filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to get the images released.
Researchers report that it is much more difficult and time-consuming to obtain information under the Freedom of Information Act.
GROSS: Now, let's talk more about the FBI documents that you were finally able to get through the Freedom of Information Act.
The Oklahoman newspaper says it received the tapes from an attorney who got them through the federal Freedom of Information Act.
The team used an American law, the Freedom of Information Act, to get unpublished reports on thirty-five clinical trials of four drugs.
Before this week, the document has only been seen by about 20 people who requested access to it through the US Freedom of Information Act.
Auto safety lobby group the Center for Auto safety obtained the data via a Freedom of Information Act request, and has released it on its website.
Almost 500 children were abducted from the UK and taken abroad illegally last year, according to figures released to the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Big Cats in Britain (BCIB) group used the Freedom of Information Act to survey local councils on the weird and woolly creatures legally kept in private hands.
White has promised that Mikva can have anything he wants, and Mikva, who certainly understands the Freedom of Information Act, says all documents he gets will be public.
The photos, taken from a police helicopter, were obtained by ABC News under a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
In the US, where the Freedom of Information Act has been in force for decades, reporters have long understood the value of data analysis and computer assisted reporting.
According to the principle thesis, right to know is not so important as the thesis of the policy to Freedom of Information Act, even its status and function cannot be neglected.
The ODNI has twice released the total U.S. federal intelligence spending when forced to do so by lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act: $26.6 billion in 1997 and $26.7 billion in 1998.
They were obtained by ABC after it filed a Freedom of Information Act request last year with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the federal agency that investigated the collapse.
As a significant contribution of the United States to the world administrative rule of law, freedom of information is an important part of the Federal administrative Procedural Act.
As a significant contribution of the United States to the world administrative rule of law, freedom of information is an important part of the Federal administrative Procedural Act.