Horizontal holes were drilled into the wet soil and liquid nitrogen was pumped in, freezing the water until the tunnel could be dug and cemented.
The application scheme of the artificial freezing method in Xuanwu Lake subaqueous highway tunnel construction and the constructing procedure of the freezing method are introduced.
The present application condition and development trend of artificial freezing method in subway tunnel were described.
Based upon the shield construction practice in the portal section of South Tube of Yanan Donglu Tunnel, this paper demonstrates the technology for slurry balance shield passing through freezing zone.
Freezing construction is an auxiliary method in soft and water-bearing ground. The horizontal freezing construction was firstly applied in Dabeiyao Station of Beijing metro tunnel.
Based on surrounding environment, traffic requirement and construction experience, authors use horizontal freezing method to reinforce soil and mine method to excavate tunnel.
Based on surrounding environment, traffic requirement and construction experience, authors use horizontal freezing method to reinforce soil and mine method to excavate tunnel.