People in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony of the French Republic since 1946.
These local citizens now have to balance their traditional lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic.
Menton is the lowest level of administrative division in the French Republic located on the Franco-Italian border, within the confines of the Coted'Azur and the Ligurian Alps.
These days Monaco exercises its sovereignty “in accordance with the fundamental interests of the French Republic”, and its French residents have been unable to evade the French taxman since 1963.
近年来,摩纳哥是在“遵循法兰西共和国基本利益”前提下行使主权的。 从1963年起,这里居住的法国公民已不能再逃避法国的税务。
He is also winner of numerous international prizes, decorated by a number of institutions, and was award the distinction of Officier del'Ordre des Arts & des Lettres, by the French Republic in 2002.
Such cases include a Brooklyn surrogate court’s definition of the Jewish marriage ceremony and the Iowa Court of Appeals’ declaration that French is the official language of the Republic of Guinea.
Now there are Pasteur Institutes in countries, such as Cambodia, China, the Republic of Korea and Uruguay, which communicate with each other in several languages, not just French.
Now there are Pasteur Institutes in countries, such as Cambodia, China, the Republic of Korea and Uruguay, which communicate with each other in several languages, not just French.