Hunting polar bear and walrus, they soon had fresh meat aplenty and regained their strength.
Fresh meat, chicken, and fish always carry some bacteria so these foods must always be kept cold.
A fleet of small vans sporting the Swift logo sells fresh meat in the area around the Lins factory.
Now’s the time for villagers to pick up fresh meat and vegetables to cook for lunch and dinner.
The Vivid color spectrums add more brilliance to displays of fresh meat and fruits, for example.
Adding fresh meat and high quality protein is fully fit for the puppy in the growth peak demanding.
From the lions den to a pack of wolves. When you're fresh meat, kill, and throw them something fresher.
The fresh meat weight increased with the development of gonad and the maximum is 45.3% before spawning.
The Turkey meat is sliced in front of you so you know it's quality, fresh meat-a good source of protein.
There is no fresh meat in the market today, so you'll have to content yourselves with something out of a tin.
The lived difference, however, is rather smaller than that between having fresh meat and milk and having none.
"Here's fresh meat for your axe, Kreis," he said; "a rose-white youth with the ardor of a lover for Herbert Spencer."
Fresh meat. Use within two days of bringing home from the store or freeze it. Don't forget to mark the date on the wrapper!
I do it for the same reason that a good butcher will only sell you fresh meat: I got a reputation and I want to keep it.
They will also kill and eat domestic livestock such as cattle and sheep, and they will consume carrion if no fresh meat is available.
Comess in at the door, my grandmother would gladly hello I: "aa, come and taste the grandfather had just bought fresh meat cakes! ""
一进门,外婆就乐呵呵地招呼我: :“艾艾,快来尝尝外公刚买来的鲜肉月饼!”
I used to joke with my friends that when cats in our neighborhood started disappearing it meant the Chinese restaurant had fresh meat.
Last year, breakfast cereal was only 2.7% of the salt in the average shopping basket, lower than milk (4.8%), fresh meat (6.2%) and bread (9%).
Above is the evidence that in previous times when fresh meat was in short supply, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of meat.
The ichneumon wasp paralyses its prey without killing it and lays its larva inside this convenient source of fresh meat, to eat it slowly alive.
The microorganisms growing in fresh meat and broth could be significantly inhibited and the shelf life was prolonged by treating with lactic acid.
Thee nephew said, "I know that monks are not allowed to eat meat, but I like to eat meat, and I must have a cart of fresh meat to follow me wherever I go."
Sylvia went to the supermarket. Once twice, thrice. Festooned with shopping bags, peering at lists, she fought her way from Fresh Meat to Dairy to Household Goods.
Sylvia went to the supermarket. Once twice, thrice. Festooned with shopping bags, peering at lists, she fought her way from Fresh Meat to Dairy to Household Goods.