Friday the 13th is an unlucky date.
So I don't believe on Friday the 13th, how about you?
Last week Friday the 13th lived up to its frightful reputation.
"Friday the 13th" is one of the world's most well-known superstitions.
There seem to be two main reasons why Friday the 13th is regarded as an unlucky day.
So, the next time it's Friday the 13th, do yourself a favor! Take care of yourself. ;
所以,下一次碰到星期五 又是13号的时候,帮自己一个忙吧!
I thought of that, but my husband flatly refused to fly any where on a Friday the 13th.
Todd: OK, Chris, Friday the 13th is coming up. So, first of all, are you superstitious?
Hence, there can be some amount of paranoia during Friday the 13th, as this day is called.
Even one of my good friends was born on Friday the 13th and he turned out to be a very good guy.
On Friday the 13th, some people are so superstitious that they go as far as to refuse to leave the house.
The same goes for Friday the 13th, so if something bad happens on Friday the13th, people blame it on the day.
We humans are a superstitious lot, believing that Friday the 13th is bad luck and finding a penny is good luck.
The canoe, which features in many of his pictures, is a haunting image from a 1980 horror film, "Friday the 13th".
He spent millions on a fleet of Mercedes Benz luxury cars and spends his time watching Hollywood movies such as Rambo or Friday the 13th.
Cast commentary on Friday the 13th - Part 3 by author Peter Bracke and actors Larry Zerner, Paul Kratka, Dana Kimmell and Richard Brooker.
Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Many people believe that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day. I, myself, didn't think so... until yesterday.
It is ironical that the movie opens on Friday the 13th, considering Sirius Black runs into some rather "bad luck" in this upcoming production.
资讯科技是讽刺的电影在星期五第 13 日打开,进入一些之内宁可考虑天狼星黑色的奔跑即将来临的制造 “坏的运气 ”。
The superstition surrounding Friday the 13th is actually a combination of two separate fears, the fear of the number 13, and the fear of Fridays.
Funding was later cancelled, but the bridge, like the irrepressible Jason in Friday the 13th, received funding again in the 2011 federal transportation bill.
Funding was later cancelled, but the bridge, like the irrepressible Jason in Friday the 13th, received funding again in the 2011 federal transportation bill.