Would you believe that at least ten students have already complained that their French fries and fried chicken don't taste as good since we switched?
Fried chicken is my favorite food.
How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken?
It also says fried chicken, but the chicken isn't fried.
The first dish Oliver prepared for his family was fried chicken wings.
I told her it was because people could make them into fried chicken.
She cooks the best Fried chicken in the world... gets stains out of blue jeans like I never could...
She cooks the best Fried chicken in the world... gets stains out of blue jeans like I never could... and still insists on dishing out ice cream at any hour of the day or night.
Wildlife officials say the bears are not only comfortable with humans, but are also teaching their cubs to scavenge for Fried chicken and candy instead of acorns and berries.
Kris gave up pizza and fried-chicken meals and began eating more steamed vegetables and fish.
One of the world's most popular foods along with the hamburger, Fried chicken, and milk shakes is pizza.
Even though these alternatives are offered, it is still the hamburger and Fried chicken that is the king of fast food, and little has been done to reduce the impact of these foods on obesity.
While I was eating Fried chicken just outside the downtown core, news of the bombing barely interrupting my meal, Ruhollah was on his way through the city to get the girls.
Kentucky, whether it wants to or not, is known throughout the world for its Fried chicken recipe popularized by Col.
Fried chicken, meatloaf, baked potato, corn, baked beans and apple pie would be considered traditional American dishes.
Kentucky, whether it wants to or not, is known throughout the world for its Fried chicken recipe popularized by Col. Sanders.
We were also able work out a sensible method of home cooking Fried chicken, and devise a convincingly British spicing mix.
Mr Grose said he had not meant to cause offence and that he was unaware of the stereotype that the African-American diet consisted of watermelon or Fried chicken.
Lovett voted for the Fried chicken (" not too greasy, just really good ") and the greens (" Perfectly balanced, not too sour ").
Fried chicken – “Cockerel’s Solo”, cabbage and cucumber salad – “Vegetable Prelude”, schnitzel – “Royal Meal”, meat in a jug – “Village Paradise”, pumpkin porridge – “King Arthur’s Golden Porridge”.
炸鸡被改头换面成“公鸡的独奏”,卷心菜和黄瓜沙拉成了“蔬菜序曲”,肉片背上了“皇家”的名号,而“乡间天堂”居然是瓶中肉。 此外,南瓜粥居然成了“亚瑟王的黄金粥”。
You are the guy that she impressed by eating through half a bucket of fried chicken and then sat back and asked what's for desert.
AMY: Fried chicken, coleslaw, carrots, celery, rolls, wine.
KFC claims 0g trans fat per serving for all their Fried chicken.
Instead of a massive pot of unappetizing-looking soup, you can buy fried chicken with chips or rice.
Examples of high saturated fat snacks include cookies, wafer biscuits, cakes, egg tart etc.; oily deep-fried snacks include deep-fried chicken wing and French fries.
The fast food franchise let it be known that fried chicken is traditional for the Christmas feast.
When you think of fast food, big chains such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, or Kentucky Fried Chicken usually come to mind.
Some combinations of “large” fries and “large” chicken nuggets from McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets contained between double and five times the 5-gram danger level.
Some combinations of “large” fries and “large” chicken nuggets from McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets contained between double and five times the 5-gram danger level.