Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food, and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
We all know, baked or fried food may be tasty, but eating too much of them will probably lead to some illnesses.
You can't have any fried food or steaks.
Fried food is tasty everywhere. On which pages of the book can you find more information about jianbing?
Fried chicken is my favorite food.
Many Vietnamese people say they cannot start the day without this delicious food! You can find French fried potatoes all over the world, but as Belgians will tell you, they, not the French, invented this popular street food, back in the 17th century.
It was always just as shabby and just as clean, and there was always the same smell of cleaning fluid, sometimes mixed with the smell of cabbage or beans, or Fried food or boiling laundry.
Do not eat dairy products, spicy foods (with the exception of garlic), high fat or Fried food.
Sweets, smokes and fried food are, it seems, our solace in hard times.
Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days.
Making your own grease-based bio-diesel may help your survival in other ways: cars running on it smell like Fried food, which could mask the smell of your delicious flesh from hungry zombies.
We all know that Fried food is not particularly good for us, but that doesn't stop us craving the occasional crispy, crunchy golden brown something or other.
Most modern people like to eat Fried food, but do not understand the dangers of Fried foods.
Whilst frying is not really in accordance with healthy eating guidelines we have to accept the realities of life - we like fried food.
Don't eat Fried food, eat less snacks, special is watching television, see a movie at the snacks, very easily so eat too much.
They should prevent high calories and high fat food such as Fried food and high starchy food.
Don't indulge in rich sauces, Fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
A mass of youngsters are under threat of being obese because they absorb excessive numbers of fried food and sugary drinks.
The fried shrimp is crisp, but my mom have never cooked shrimp like this. She always says eat fried food is not good healthy.
WHO said yesterday that they have taken measures to control the degree of potential human cancerogenic hazard of the rich acrylamide contained in the Fried food.
Energy saving 50% more than traditional one and oil consumption saving more than 50%. Smokeless environment and fresh Fried food without carcinogen.
Don't eat Fried food, eat snacks, especially the snacks while watch TV, see a movie, it's easy to eat too much.
Always avoid salted meats, coarse vegetables (beets, carrots, and turnips), cheese, Fried food, pastry, rich desserts, confections, condiments, tea, coffee, and iced water.
She should eat more vegetables, fruit, and meat. And drink milk, don't eat Fried food.
Daniel: Hmm... it tastes delicious. The rice rolls are so crispy. Fried food is my favorite!
Many kids are willing to spend the time in eating fast food, because the Fried food cater to them.
Many kids are willing to spend the time in eating fast food, because the Fried food cater to them.