Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food, and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
We all know, baked or fried food may be tasty, but eating too much of them will probably lead to some illnesses.
You can't have any fried food or steaks.
Fried food is tasty everywhere. On which pages of the book can you find more information about jianbing?
Sweets, smokes and fried food are, it seems, our solace in hard times.
Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days.
Don't indulge in rich sauces, Fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
She should eat more vegetables, fruit, and meat. And drink milk, don't eat Fried food.
"Deep-fried food" is food that has been cooked in a lot of hot oil for a certain time.
LY - 80 type frying oil filter designed for medium and large enterprises and Fried food.
Do not eat dairy products, spicy foods (with the exception of garlic), high fat or Fried food.
Most modern people like to eat Fried food, but do not understand the dangers of Fried foods.
Daniel: Hmm... it tastes delicious. The rice rolls are so crispy. Fried food is my favorite!
They should prevent high calories and high fat food such as Fried food and high starchy food.
Many kids are willing to spend the time in eating fast food, because the Fried food cater to them.
Don't eat Fried food, eat snacks, especially the snacks while watch TV, see a movie, it's easy to eat too much.
The second factor was labeled 'Western' because of its high loading on fried food, salty snacks, and meat intake.
Daniel: Come to my house this Sunday. My mom will not be at home then. We can cook some wonderful Fried food by ourselves!
A mass of youngsters are under threat of being obese because they absorb excessive numbers of fried food and sugary drinks.
Avoid gorging on Fried food cream-based soups cheese-filled casseroles pies processed meats such as salami and baked goods.
Deep-fried food tastes very good, I think, but it can also be somewhat unhealthy (not good for your health - for your body).
The fried shrimp is crisp, but my mom have never cooked shrimp like this. She always says eat fried food is not good healthy.
Tom: The Fried shrimp is crunchy! But my mom will never cook shrimp this way. She always says that Fried food is not healthy.
Don't eat Fried food, eat less snacks, special is watching television, see a movie at the snacks, very easily so eat too much.
Whilst frying is not really in accordance with healthy eating guidelines we have to accept the realities of life - we like fried food.
Crazy witch witch and sugar every day after knock, the chestnut cooked, baked, Fried food with sugar, eating chestnut eat very happy.
Crazy witch witch and sugar every day after knock, the chestnut cooked, baked, Fried food with sugar, eating chestnut eat very happy.