They take their children from activity to activity and try to fit as much as possible into their kids' lives.
They take their children from activity to activity, and try to fit as much as possible into their kids' lives.
If the controller receives a SUCCESS signal from an activity, it sends a signal to the coordinator component (in this case PROPAGATE), thus invoking the next activity.
Get the media link from the entry, and then update the activity to create a bookmark on the activity for this document.
You can create links from a single source activity to multiple target activities or multiple source activities to a single target activity.
Which means, if you deliver more than 1 activity from development stream to integration stream in one go, there will still be single delivery activity created on the integration stream.
Move the Terminate activity from the event handler to the fault handler because the activities after the throw activity will not be reached (Figure 16).
Similar to the onstat -m command, you can use ON-Bar to print the recent ON-Bar activity from the onbar activity log file.
与onstat- m命令类似,可以使用on -bar从onbar活动日志文件中输出最近的on - bar活动。
A Boundary Event is attached to an activity to indicate abnormal execution of some kind (i.e., something has happened such that the normal sequence flow from the activity does not occur).
For example, the transition from one activity to another may lead to a navigational message, if each activity participates in its own transaction.
These conventions are used to simplify activity modeling, to simplify the activity diagrams, and to correspond better with the BPEL that will be generated from them.
This trend will continue to move computing away from being an activity for technophiles alone and will make it an activity that everyone - even mainstream users - will enjoy.
After a particular activity has executed, the name of that activity can be used to access data that resulted from its execution.
Adapt the conditions after the Verify Funds Order activity to work with the new output variable from the activity.
When an activity is skipped by request, the behavior in the follow-on navigation differs from the one of an activity that is skipped, because its join condition evaluates to false.
A person who carries on an abnormally dangerous activity is strictly liable for damage characteristic to the risk presented by the activity and resulting from it.
As a result, the researchers were able to separate brain activity specifically related to attentional orienting from activity associated with general cue processing.
A short phrase or label for each schedule activity used in conjunction with an activity identifier to differentiate that project schedule activity from other schedule activities.
Activity of normal myocardium declined further by 63% from 30 to 240 min of reperfusion, while activity of transciently ischemic myocardium decreased by 15.5%.
Objective To screen the interested strains with high proteinase activity and evident thrombolytic activity from natto products and analyze their biological character.
Sociological knowledge penetrates each phrase of lawyers' practicing activity from acceptance to trial of a case and it influences lawyers' practicing activity greatly.
Objective to detect the proteinase activity of Malassezia furfur strains isolated from various specimens and to study the relationship between the proteinase activity and pathogenicity.
Absrtact: Author discusses deeply the basic activity features of decision making of soccer players from different aspects, bring to light the character regularity of the basic activity features.
In terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime act, all people who make profits from an illegal activity can be required to return the profits of that illegal activity.
Conclusion The activity behavior in sleep deprived rats exhibted an pattern from activity to depression, which may be related to thn 5-HT metabolic changes in hypothalamus and brain stem.
Conclusion The activity behavior in sleep deprived rats exhibted an pattern from activity to depression, which may be related to thn 5-HT metabolic changes in hypothalamus and brain stem.