Photo 229: Korean pavilion from another point of view.
But if you would look at things from another point of view, things would probably look a lot different.
Everywhere, there was a total absence of empathy; no one could see the situation from another point of view.
The rise of postmodernism metaphor from another point of view of the dimensions of this relationship antagonism.
From another point of view can be observed in the important position of the Shanghai market in the Sino Japanese routes.
From another point of view, the early Yuan Dynasty disasters were relatively moderate, major disasters have occurred in the middle and late.
From another point of view, if we have a lot of labeled training data under different distributions, it is wasteful to discard the data entirely.
From another point of view, our study tries to find a potential of heterotrophic nitrification for the improvement of contaminated aquatic environment.
From another point of view, the reason why people have taken these problems to discuss shows soul has a value that can not be ignored at our spiritual world.
Other subjects also have their respective uses. It is hard to say which is more important. Physical education, for example, is also extremely important from another point of view.
This article analyzes the problems in the modern distance education from another point of view, and puts forward some Suggestions on the present application of the modern distance education.
But when we take a look at the matter from another point of view, such as why did this happen, and how to do to avoid it. That's really a question including various aspects we need to think about.
"Itinerant Rehearsals" shows people a large-scale and dramatic art scene. From another point of view, "Sublime Words" explains the concept of the extensive exhibition, which is young and energetic.
If you learn to understand things from another person's point of view, you will be able to learn very quickly from the mistakes you make and the mistakes you think other people have made.
The master KDC should never panic in this case and transmission from one LDAP server to another should be seamless from the end-users' point of view.
“It’s possible that users might convert to another IM service some day … but from my point of view, it’s not going to happen very soon, ” Zhang said.
From that point of view, another promising contender (mentioned by Emre) is personalized search.
Yet another interpretation of the Achaemenid design comes from an esoteric point of view.
From the Hawaiian ancestors point of view rising housing costs has to do again with greed, but of another variety and related to the real estate business primarily.
From the physical point of view, I feel fine and that is another cause for satisfaction.
Mistakes or wrong decisions are not held against you, but from your personal point of view, harming another soul is something that will bring lessons to you. Indeed.
Taking into consideration from another Angle of view point, these characteristics might bear their potentiality of increasing crop yield with adaptation of the global climate change.
Empathy is the ability to put yourself into another person's shoes and see a situation from his/her point of view.
Liquid Planet. Another picture from the Liquid Vision Series, which shows a different point of view of waves. An Angle that people are not used to seeing. (Photo and caption by Freddy Cerdeira).
Liquid Planet. Another picture from the Liquid Vision Series, which shows a different point of view of waves. An Angle that people are not used to seeing. (Photo and caption by Freddy Cerdeira).