From end to end, the Milky Way's starry disk, observable with the naked eye and through optical telescopes, spans 120,000 light-years.
To divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp blow.
The test spans all major components of the J2EE programming model from end to end.
He leaned out over the street. It is short, and the lantern lighted it from end to end.
I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end, with nothing hidden or held back.
The main stretch can be walked from end to end in under an hour—but the stroll is not a quiet one.
The SPAR element assumes a straight bar, axially loaded at its ends, and of uniform properties from end to end.
It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end.
New Zealand: 90-mile beach - located far North; this quiet and wide sandy beach can be driven along from end to end.
I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end, with nothing hidden or held back. This is why you know me not.
Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes of lightning startle the sky from end to end.
I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end , with nothing hidden or held back . That is why you know me not .
SMALL stretch of land, a two-hour drive from end to end, reveals much about the economic transformation of a vast country.
The table, stretching from end to end of the vast banqueting room for a distance of 150 feet, was adorned with gold candlesticks.
As a good Romantic humanist, Marx believed in the uniqueness of the individual. The idea permeates his writings from end to end.
From end to end, the Milky Way's starry disk, observable with the naked eye and through optical telescopes, spans 120, 000 light-years.
It does exactly what it looks like it does: the rack pulls your body from end to end until your limbs are slowly plucked from their joints.
Under the control of a Z-80 single board computer, a spool of fine thread up to ten thousand meters can be measured point by point and from end to end.
在Z- 80单板机的控制下,可将一轴成千上万米长的细丝从头至尾进行逐点测量。
It is composed of flaming red elementium and etched from end to end with intricate runes that seem to move like flowing lava across the weapon's surface.
Then they sang 'Beasts of England' from end to end seven times running, and after that they settled down for the night and slept as they had never slept before.
The difference is that the conversations are scrambled from end to end, using a special form of encryption called SCIP (secure communications interoperability protocol).
区别在于通话是端到端加密编码的,通过被称为SCIP (securecommunications interoperability protocol,安全交互通讯协议)的特殊形式。
The bridge is constructed of 23 aluminium frames which twist in a series of 3.91 degree steps, rotating through 90 degrees from end to end to create a concertina effect.
Moreover, Manasseh also shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from end to end-besides the sin that he had caused Judah to commit, so that they did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
Or very small – just more than 1 inch (about 2.5 centimeters) from the end of one wing to the end of the other.
You also saw how the process was completed end to end, from a user submitting a CSR to receiving a certificate and using that certificate to authenticate to the Community Edition server.
You also saw how the process was completed end to end, from a user submitting a CSR to receiving a certificate and using that certificate to authenticate to the Community Edition server.