And then she bitched at me for being moody the next day from lack of sleep.
Though her face might be a trifle paler from lack of sleep, she was always smiling, fresh and neat.
If you are exhausted from lack of sleep, completing the same amount of work can take twice or three times as long.
These are eyes that have shone with pride, filled with tears of bitterness, stared in anger and burned from lack of sleep.
In fact, a group of researchers contend, a number of aspects of modern living — from lack of sleep to exposure to living with air conditioning — may be feeding Americans' weight woes.
Here are some of the most common conditions that can arise from a regular lack of sleep.
Jennifer Glickman, a 17-year-old high school junior, gets so stressed some days from overwork and lack of sleep that she feels sick to her stomach and gets painful headaches.
17岁的詹妮弗•格利克曼(Jennifer Glickman)是名高二学生,因为课业繁重、睡眠不足,她几乎累的精疲力尽,甚至时常会感觉胃部不适,还会头疼。
Whether or not science ultimately proves that lack of sleep contributes to being overweight, most of us could benefit from catching more Z's.
Needless to say, I was exhausted from labored breathing, a lung infection, pain, tests, effort expended to correct data model errors, energy wasted giving my medical history, and lack of sleep.
More evidence comes from people with REM sleep behavior disorder, who lack the muscle paralysis, known as atonia, typical of REM sleep.
Lack of sleep, high stress levels, and strained relationships often result from too much work and too little play.
Task persistence is also reduced when people are stressed or tired from exertion or lack of sleep.
Studies from Berkeley have shown that lack of sleep can lead to junk food cravings, so sneaking in that extra hour of rest can help keep your body craving the right nutrients it needs.
Researchers from Boston College in the USA have found the lack of sleep is a significant - so important - factor in lowering the achievement of school pupils.
Work, is not tired, but I feel tired, lack of sleep is always the feeling, coming back from work every time, greed will fall asleep.
According to one study of more than 900 women, the number one indicator of unhappiness (aside from work stress) was a lack of sleep.
Outgoing people appear to suffer worse from the effects of lack of sleep, US army researchers suggest.
You do not get enough sleep. According to one study of more than 900 women, the number one indicator of unhappiness (aside from work stress) was a lack of sleep.
Sleep also may give the brain a chance to exercise important neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate from lack of activity.
Sleep also may give the brain a chance to exercise important neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate from lack of activity.