From now on, every time someone gives you a compliment or you accomplish something that fills you with pride, put it in your file.
From now on, I plan on accepting the fact that I don't need to stay connected with social media all the time.
Actually, you are part of them and not separate from them at all, but we are now speaking multidimensionally, i.e. on a level of consciousness that is outside of your linear framework of time.
Those books are now stored on servers, scattered in multiple, redundant copies throughout the world, and can be called up anywhere, at any time, from any screen.
The search function that Twitter acquired from Summize is probably the most commonly used real-time search engine on the Internet right now.
Now, it is time to backup the database from your primary machine and restore it on the standby.
So now you're armed with an Arsenal of proven practices to ensure that you get the most of out of the time that your team spends on code reviews, both from a process and a social perspective.
At the time it was very far from commonsense and it's a mark of how far we have come that we now accept the ultimate principles of science are ones that we cannot hope to base on pure reason.
Now, there are a slew of apps aimed at making your domestic life easier, from helping you pay your bills on time to keeping track of your kids.
From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him.
Now, let's look at the same test from Listing 4 but this time on a quad-socket quad-core topology (16 logical processors).
But there will come a time, not long from now, when citizens will demand stronger action on climate change.
But Japanese power companies will have a harder time building new nuclear power plants from now on.
Therefore, at this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm that has ever fallen on Egypt, from the day it was founded till now.
So the time went on, while to Heidi, who had so often looked up from the valley at the mountains above, these seemed now to have faces, and to be looking down at her like old friends.
The ministry also asked that the news media refrain from reporting or speculating on where Prince Harry is now, what time he would come home and what route he would take.
It's four of us now, but over time I've had nine come in and move on to other places from here.
This time our class lost, and next time, from now on, we must strengthen the exercise, wait for the next games, our class to get the first prize.
Now, assume that Allen from Team B cannot attend the meeting on July 12, and he wwants to propose a new time for the meeting.
现在,假设TeamB 的Allen在7 月12 日无法参加会议,他提议选择一个新的会议时间。
Now that you know the basics of tput from the command line, it's time to focus on putting what you've learned into a shell script along with some other features.
现在您已经了解了从命令行中执行tput 的基本知识,下面我们将重点讲述如何将您学到的知识连同其他一些功能用到 shell脚本中。
Great effort by the young guys. We should see some more play time from the young guys from now on.
Steven: Sure, no problem. You can call me any time you are alone from now on.
Now take half an hour off from assisting others, and spend those 30 minutes working on the thing you supposedly never have time for.
If I manage to get all my preparation done on time from now on, he said he would give me a raise.
Glyph of Regrowth now causes the heal-over-time effect to refresh itself on targets at or below 50% health, up from 25%.
Glyph of Regrowth now causes the heal-over-time effect to refresh itself on targets at or below 50% health, up from 25%.