Goldman regarded that China's stocks market entail the lowest risks from the global perspective, some other markets were filled with bigger risks though having some trading opportunities.
From a political perspective, we need to understand the terms on which major countries like China and the USA might sign up to a global agreement, because at the moment we don't have that consensus.
It's definitely a challenge because Filipino startups are forced to see things in a global perspective from the get-go.
From the perspective of global economic recovery, higher commodity prices caused by more aggregate demand are good news.
I'm not in any position to comment on the quality or quantity of ore at the Tonkolili project, but from the perspective of global cheap money, two things leap out at me about this deal.
The very act of engaging with the wider world, he says, could draw Poland's attention away from the East, and give the country a more global perspective.
WS-CDL describes this behavior from a global or neutral perspective rather than from the perspective of any one party.
This book, from the other perspective, demonstrated the flooding of Chinese products on the global scale.
Many of the cases and examples discussed are drawn from an international perspective, and a global view is integrated throughout the course.
We also stand united as a collective consciousness that spans the earth and understands the lessons of our species and the dance of global ascension from this perspective.
From a historical perspective, global strategy is the product development stages of multinational corporations.
Looking from a global perspective, the landscape of mobile operating systems is highly fragmented.
From a global perspective, the gold demand trends show that the focus is now moving from the West to the East, or in other words, from the us and Europe to Asia.
Member firms also have expertise in many industries around the world, offering you a global perspective from professionals who understand your business.
This lack of indifference toward the beloved may lead the lover to take measures which hurt the other when viewed within a partial perspective, but can be seen as beneficial from a global perspective.
In spite of this ground for criticism, I suggest that cosmopolitanism is still the best equipped to engage issues of economic inequality from a global perspective.
From a consumer perspective, however, reactions to the prevalence of global brands seem to vary among the different customers.
My conclusion is that the case for an appreciation of the Chinese real exchange rate has merit, from a global perspective.
You are encouraged to join me for the hot discussions on global strategy- and business-focused topics from a creative, intelligent and international perspective.
From a startup perspective, the global challenges the authors envision also serve as business opportunities.
From a global perspective, the prosperity and decline of enterprises in a country has influenced the national economic potentiality remarkably.
From a global perspective, immature commodity economy and regulated market environment for the survival of commercial bribery soil.
From a global perspective and actual data, China has indeed consumed the world's largest amount of grain and meat dairy products and will bring out more consumption in the future.
Viewed from a global perspective, the practice of restorative justice includes three programs: victim offender mediation, conferencing, and circles.
Indeed, from a global perspective, this has been the Union's real achievement, more than the gains to the Continent's g.
Indeed, from a global perspective, this has been the Union's real achievement, more than the gains to the Continent's g.