He graduated from Tongji University and attained both of his bachelor and master degree in Mathematics.
Rule explained – “My buddies are my most precious gain from my college years,” Zhang Jiayang, 22, a computer science grad from Tongji University said with pride during a job interview.
At the meeting of planning to preserve Tang Jia Wan Ancient Town convened on April 12, Professor Ruan Yisan from Tongji University made suggestions on how to keep the ancient town from being damaged.
Three students from the Tongji University will serve as student reporters for the Expo 2010's Auto Pavilion after a three-month competition launched by General Motors.
作为通用汽车2010年上海世博会“直达2030”主题活动的一项重要内容,本次世博会大学生记者招募大赛旨在从高校中发现优秀学生记者,于今年世博会期间,亲身参与通用汽车上海世博会相关活动。 他们将第一时间报道上汽集团-通用汽车馆的精彩内容,见证通用汽车在前瞻科技领域的领先地位。
Zhu Dake, a cultural critic at Tongji University in Shanghai, said many Chinese people simply love hearing compliments about Chinese culture from foreigners' mouths.
Creative garden transition planning from the Tongji University national famous historical and cultural city, Shanghai research center of a set of cultural dissemination limited planning.
Leaders from France prefer Wuhan University; governor-generals of Canada like Sichuan University and German leaders favor Tongji University.
Mr. Xu Shunxiang graduated from Department of High Polymer Engineering of Tongji University and obtained Master's Degree of High Polymer Engineering in East China University of Science and Technology.
Mr. Xu Shunxiang graduated from Department of High Polymer Engineering of Tongji University and obtained Master's Degree of High Polymer Engineering in East China University of Science and Technology.