When Tridika parks itself in front of your apartment, you can get into your room directly.
The front room was strewn with books and clothes.
He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it.
My schedule says the meeting room is in Johnson Hall, in the engineering department, which should be right here in front of us, according to the map.
They share a front door and a washing machine, but Rita Whitehead has her own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room on the ground floor.
I wandered through the front room, the dining room, the parlour, hand on the wall for balance.
In the experiment, each child was left alone in a room for fifteen minutes with a marshmallow on a table in front of them.
Another friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, remembers coming home to find his father mopping up blood and broken glass from their front room after "a lively discussion" with a business associate.
He sat down and nodded to a techie who played the video on the screen in the front of the room: Two men with assault rifles stood in front of the camera, wearing hooded masks.
Thick pipes protrude from the ceiling, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it.
An honor guard of five former South Vietnamese servicemen marched smartly to the front of the room.
With enough of a flourish to guarantee the class's attention, he went to the front of the room, near one edge of the board.
Inspector Walsh looked at the things in the front room.
That voice could be a raucous smoker's or light, fresh and prim, with the intonation of a girl who had gone to elocution lessons and knew to say "lounge", not "front room".
她的声音有时候像烟鬼那样沙哑,有时候像少女在演讲课上知道说“休息室”(lounge)而不是“隔音室”(front room)那般晶莹剔透。
Her husband and his workers produced clothing in the front room.
The pace of life is different in my front room than it is in an office.
He then walked quickly to the front of the room and, within moments, dismissed the class.
Let the Group Members do the Work - standing at the front of the room and doing all the writing discourages team members from taking ownership of ideas.
Vickie sneered at Sylvia who sat at the front of the room for talking too much with Amy and Erin.
In a meeting or conference, tweets can reach the people in the front of the room, the back of the room and people who are not even in the room.
He took his seat at the front of the room and placed his hands together in prayer.
No shoe removal. You are not in your own front room. A cinema is a public space, keep your bodily odours to yourself!
Many of the 1m retail outfits serve as tax dodges for pensioners who sell a few items of stationery or snacks from their front room.
He went into the front room, his bedroom, the parlour, lighting the gas as he went.
As the police waited outside, Andrew recorded a dramatic video of himself drinking, pacing around the front room of the house and speaking to his father.
I left, and in a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen, front room, and both children sitting in front of the television.
I left, and in a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen, front room, and both children sitting in front of the television.