When you feel confident, your thumbs will rise more often as you speak, especially if your fingers are intertwined in front of you.
The body of a 19-year-old worker named Ma Xiangqian was found in front of his high-rise dormitory at 4:30 a.m.
They stayed relativfely quiet on this front in 2007, so maybe 2008 will be when they rise up to the challenge of Google Apps.
He expects the cold front to end on March 16 nationwide and then the temperature will start to rise.
The amount of time youngsters spend in front of the television, the rise of obesity and the pressures of modern family life have all been picked out as possible causes.
Messier 64 (M64) has a spectacular dark band of absorbing dust in front of the galaxy's bright nucleus, giving rise to its nicknames of the "Black Eye" or "Evil Eye" galaxy.
Physically speaking, swimmers force a mass of water in front of them to rise up against gravity.
Beethoven sits in the piano front, playing to rise that song that blind miss just now play.
Now she is on the rise , and all news about her will be the front-page news, But she doesn't care about these things.
If my hatred man is unwilling to go to the hell, let him rise into the heaven so long as he is cleared off in front of me.
Open source CMS rise, greatly shorten the development cycle of the construction of the website, can take more time to focus on web page design, web front end and the user experience.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are over, and thee wonderful performances rise in front of my eyes.
Standing in front of the icy Reflecting Pool facing the Capitol, she made plans to rise at 3 a. m. Tuesday to take her place on the Mall for the swearing-in.
Firstly: In order to overlook the millenary trees of the civic square that is in front of the site; to rise the library 1,6 meters over street level.
Rise, separate shore to hope mutually, there is one secluded small village in front, this is to wear rock village.
The front of packing part adopts pneumatic lift and the back part adopts photoelectric tracking and rise automatically.
The configuration of the interior gives rise to the box-shaped form of the exterior in which no one place can be seen as the front.
ZK: Viewing from the bay area, it's no longer those typical urban vertical high-rise office buildings and hotels in front.
A different process occurs when there is interaction between a polar trough and the main polar front, giving rise to an instant occlusion.
Architecturally, the ocean front luxury hotel, comprised of two high-rise and lower rise structures, which displays a variety of styles.
Architecturally, the ocean front luxury hotel, comprised of two high-rise and lower rise structures, which displays a variety of styles.