The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.
As to the phenomenon of secondary frost heave, the behavior of water flux in frozen fringe is one of the major subjects to study.
The driving force of moisture migration in soil is the key of discussing the mechanism of freezing ice and frost heave and the stress of freezing soil.
The water table directly affects the soil frost heave.
For your footings to prevent frost heave.
Through modeling the true field temperature process, the research on frost heave adaptability model test of Reno mattress revetment was made in low temperature laboratory.
By means of study on frost heave mechanics, the measures of frost heave prevention are discussed in today railway construction to different natural conditions.
By regarding testing mechanics behaviors of frozen soil frost heave as the research background, a hydraulic force control system was designed on the basis of valve control asymmetric cylinder.
In the seasonal frost regions, more attention is often paid to frost heave index in the aspect of prevention and cure of roadbed frost damage.
The magnitude of frost heave force is figured out by means of the half formula and half experience, namely the Equivalent Elasticity Coefficient Method.
It is found that the frost heave curve has a good self-similarity, and the fractal theory can be used to describe the frost heave curve.
In this paper, the analyses on influencing factor of frost heave are being conducted in the light of seasonal frost soils for highway projects.
The key technology of subgrade design is solving the problem of subgrade frost heave in seasonal frozen soil area.
This paper introduces the road frost heave damage causes and prevention and control measures.
This paper discusses the effect of soil texture around piles in different degree of frost heave on pile length in seasonal frozen soil area.
Because of the cold weather in the winter in the northern areas, the lining channels often be damaged by the frost heave.
Frozen method has more and more been used in mine construction, the influence of frost heave on construction should not be ignored. and it is very necessary to study the frost heave.
Analysis is made on the formations and hazards of the subgrade frost boil and heave, and given the countermeasures.
According to influence factors of artificially frozen soil, physical simulation, numerical simulation and the control of frost heave, this paper sums up the research achievement of frost heave.
There are 6 main topics in the symposium:heat and mass transfer, frost susceptibility and frost heave, environmental soil freezing, engineering design and case histories.
会议共设6个专题 :热质迁移、冻结敏感性和冻胀、力学性质、环境土冻结、工程设计和工程实例。
It is indicated that the accumulation of frost heave pressure inside and outside the ice wall is the ultimate reason that the freezing pressure usually exceeds the permant horizontal ground pressure.
The frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soil area can do great harm to the road and building which lies on it, such as the crack, settlement, fragile structures foundation element etc.
The frost heave ratio, as an index of classification of frost susceptibility for sandy gravel, mainly depends on not only the. content of fine grained soil but also its freezing condition.
In the canal lining projects in the northern part of China exist some problems concerning lining damage which is caused by frost heave.
The normal frost heave force is an integral of soil frost heave stress at the freezing front along the range effected by a foundation.
认为地表冻胀量是冻胀率沿整个冻深的叠加 ; 法向冻胀力则是在冻结锋面上冻胀应力沿基础影响范围之内的积分 。
The study on frost heave is always a hot subject in the frozen soil research field, it has great difference in frost heave characteristics to each kind of soil.
The formula for computing frost depth and frozen-heave factor is puted forword through statistical regression analysis.
The simulation curve and test curve of frost heave are analyzed by using the theory of fractal geometry, and it is shown that the curve of frost heave is of self-comparability.
The lengthwise cracks caused by frost heave, and settlement, bulge, rut caused by spring thaw are the main forms of frost damage of roads in seasonally frozen soil region.
The permafrost or seasonal frozen soils are undesirable engineering geologic condition and the frost heave and thawing settlement will influence the stability of foundations.