The seasonally frozen ground can be divided into intergradation, semi-intergradation, long-term stability and stability.
Ice crystals jut out of the frozen ground, pointing to the stormy clouds.
Rain in winter can have serious impacts when it falls on an existing snowpack or on frozen ground.
The priest approached the grave slowly, wondering how they had managed to dig into the frozen ground;
In the north, where forests fade into frozen ground, the influence of tradition and folklore is strong.
The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground.
It has been proven that this soil can bring about better results in the thermal insulation for frozen ground...
The common problem of soil temperature field around oil pipelines buried in frozen ground area is the freezing damage.
It has been proven that this soil can bring about better results in the thermal insulation for frozen ground base and fr...
Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground.
Ever frozen ground prevents water from infiltrating to deep layer, which increases the depth of runoff and intensity of transpiration.
Seasonal stable snow cover has significant influence on the temperature regime of frozen ground and the variation in the active layer.
It has been proven that this soil can bring about better results in the thermal insulation for frozen ground base and frozen heaving...
A third of this vast region, the world's biggest patch of frozen ground, is covered with lakes that are growing as subterranean ice melts.
This study will provide significant instruction for the construction of artificial ground freezing, especially in seasonally frozen ground.
It is shown from the results that seasonally frozen ground evidently influences site dynamical characteristics and seismic security of tank.
On Mars, subrosion is widely observed when rising magma heats frozen ground water, which melts and removes subsurface material as it flows away.
Water migration and variation in subgrade soils is the most active and live factor to the road frost damage in seasonally frozen ground regions.
After a short, ballistic flight to about 40 feet (12 metres) altitude, the rocket, which was not equipped with a recovery system, landed nose-first in the frozen ground.
The Qingzang railway run across the plateau frozen ground and its highest altitude is five thousand and seventy two meters high. It has worked a wonder of upland railway.
The spittle from mouths turned to ice before it reached the ground, sparrows fell frozen from the roofs to the ground.
Fill your freezer with healthy choices, such as frozen fruits and vegetables, lean ground meat, veggie burgers, fish, and meatless meatballs.
Frozen burgers, beef or otherwise, are more expensive than buying the ground meat in bulk and making patties yourself.
After microwaving the oatmeal, add ground flaxseed, frozen blueberries, sliced almonds.
As the debate ground on the #debatesongs# spawned memes of the pair singing along to duets from Frozen, Grease and – probably most memorably – Dirty Dancing.
大选辩论落地为#辩论对唱#催生了两人一起唱二重唱的风潮,从《冰雪奇缘》,到《油脂》以及——可能最令人印象深刻的——《辣身舞》。 迥。
Because the ground is always frozen, there is little indoor plumbing and most bathrooms are outhouses and cell phones and car engines are constantly in peril of freezing over.
Because the ground is always frozen, there is little indoor plumbing and most bathrooms are outhouses and cell phones and car engines are constantly in peril of freezing over.