If you really feel like something sweet, try a handful of grapes, they're packed full of the fruit sugar fructose.
Sugars are also carbohydrates, sources of sugars are refined sugar—sucrose, which is a food sweetener and preservative and fruit sugars—fructose.
But anything sweetened with fructose — even if it's called "fruit sugar" — is just sugar, he said, without the benefits.
If you have yogurt with fruit in it, make sure to read the ingredient label and see where you're getting the sugar from. You don't want to get it from refined resources like high fructose corn syrup.
The third study examined a specific nutrient, a sugar called fructose that is abundant in fruit.
Experts believe the high fruit sugar, or fructose, content of juice causes uric acid - a waste product in the blood - to leach into joints, causing them to become swollen and very painful.
Glucose, lactose, sucrose, and other sugars get metabolized (used as fuel) all over your body, but fruit sugar - fructose - goes straight to your liver.
Glucose and fructose are the main sugars in the previous period of fruit development, and sucrose is the main sugar in mature fruits.
Fructose is the sugar found in fruit, but it's not the normal consumption of fruit that is the problem.
Experts believe the high fruit sugar, or fructose, content of juice causes uric acid - a waste product in the blood - to leach into joints, causing them to become swollen.
Muscle glycogen is a product of starchy foods and liver glycogen is a product of fructose (the naturally occurring sugar from fruit.)
Muscle glycogen is a product of starchy foods and liver glycogen is a product of fructose (the naturally occurring sugar from fruit.)