A File transfer Protocol (FTP) is usually used to transfer or upload the web pages from a server.
The file Transfer Protocol (FTP), which first appeared in April 1971, remains a simple way to move files from one device to another.
sftp, another "personality" of SSH, provides all the features of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), yet protects file data while in transit.
sftp 是SSH的另一种特征,它提供了文件传输协议 (FTP) 的所有特性,并且在传输的过程中对文件数据进行保护。
Here, the client USES some form of file-transfer protocol such as FTP to get a complete copy of the file.
In addition, if you don't permit anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP), disable the FTP software, too.
Writing happened using severely limited HTML forms or non-HTTP methods like File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), TELNET and SSH (Secure Shell) are popular AIX V6.1 remote login mechanism used in various ways to meet various purposes within a given solution.
文件传输协议(FTP)、TELNET和SSH (SecureShell)是流行的AIX V 6.1远程登录机制,在给定的解决方案中以各种方式用于达到各种目的。
If you use the File Transfer Protocol [FTP] or utilities such as rcp or scp, complete files will be sent, even if just one byte has changed.
(如果使用File Transfer Protocol [FTP]或rcp和scp等实用程序,那么即使只修改了一个字节,也会发送完整的文件)。
OpenSSH includes SSH for secure logins, SCP for secure copies, and sftp-a secure alternative to File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
OpenSSH包含ssh(用于安全登录)、scp(用于安全复制)和sftp (File Transfer Protocol的另一种安全选择)。
This paper analyzes FTP (File Transfer Protocol) firstly, and then introduces packet filter technology and proxy technology for FTP.
The names of Web site project types identify the method used: file-system sites, local or remote IIS sites, and file Transfer Protocol (FTP) -deployed sites.
The names of Web site project types identify the method used: file-system sites, local or remote IIS sites, and file Transfer Protocol (FTP) -deployed sites.