Remember that even a trace of dirt in a carburetor or fuel pump can cause fuel-system and engine trouble. be very careful about dirt when repairing these units.
He said the Octagon would soon switch to a fuel cell system for heat and electricity, partly to cut energy costs at a time of a depressed rental market.
But hauling tons of equipment to the moon to make fuel and build a life support system for a moon base, wouldn't that be too expensive?
Eaton also holds a contract for the helicopter\'s hydraulic power generation system, integrated fuel system, and fluid conveyance package.
这种直升机目前正由美国Marine公司开发。 Eaton公司还拥有直升机的液压动力生成系统、综合燃料系统和流体运输包合同。
However, because of the vagaries of the European weather the P-38's fuel system and engines proved to be chronically unreliable, resulting in no end of malfunctions and poor mission effectiveness.
然而在欧洲变幻莫测的气候环境中,P - 38的燃油系统和引擎被证明极不可靠,导致故障不断,执行任务效率低下。
The XCOR team then developed a more powerful engine with an advanced pump-fed fuel system for a larger aircraft now being flight-tested for a commercial customer.
We have seen how the mixture of air and fuel is delivered by the fuel system to the engine cylinder, where it is compressed, ignited, and burned.
Gasoline stored for a few months may deteriorate, and in other respects, gasoline oxidizes and precipitates, which may block the fuel system of the car.
Malfunction diagnoses for the diesel engine fuel system are introduced and given some typical obviating methods.
Many components of the fuel system are connected together with lines and hoses.
The fuel system must vary the proportions of air and fuel to suit different operating conditions.
Once all the airframe sections have been assembled, the wing and tail sections are bolted to the fuselage and the landing gear, controls, and fuel system are installed.
The APU fuel system consist of a fuel valve, control unit, solenoid valve, filter, heater and control valve.
The Filter Coalescer is used to remove liquid and solid particulates from the fuel stream for performance requirements of the fuel system.
The fuel system consists of the fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, carburetor, intake manifold, and fuel lines, or tubes, connecting the tank, pump, and carburetor.
The fuel system might be supplying too much or too little fuel to the mix, meaning that combustion does not occur properly.
The fuel system only has several major parts such as fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, carburetor, intake manifold, etc.
Fuel system converts hydrogen to generate electricity.
The common faults for fuel system of diesel are summarized and the relative judgement and solving methods are presented combined with the practice.
The paper gives analysis and discussion of advantages and disadvantages about installing homogenizer in Marine diesel fuel system.
The course went into great detail about every system on the airplane the hydraulic system, the fuel system, the environmental control system, the cockpit you name it.
This paper introduces the structure, function of parts control circuit and operation of electrical control device on city passenger car dual fuel system.
Based on the design concepts of the typical element, all the algorithm for elements have been established and the common and typical element library for airplane fuel system have been built.
A new method for fault diagnosis of aircraft fuel system using BP network as a way to prevent the problem of fault diagnosis of aircraft system is presented.
For the problem of fault diagnosis of aircraft fuel system, a new method based on expert systems for fault diagnosis of aircraft fuel system is presented in this paper.
It comprises engine system simulation, instrument system simulation, wireless apparatus system simulation, control system simulation, sound system simulation and fuel system simulation etc.
The fuel system works according to the requirements of the engine.
Looked from the system that, CFBB mainly includes the fuel system, directs the wind system, the soft drink system.
In the use of process, the main problem encountered is the proofing problems of PT series fuel system.
In the use of process, the main problem encountered is the proofing problems of PT series fuel system.