The technology of fuel ethanol production by solid fermentation with distiller biomass was studied.
Cellulose, instead of traditional grains, was used in fuel ethanol production, which could reduce production cost. And such plentiful renewable resource should be fully utilized.
Some critics have suggested that the production of corn ethanol uses up more fossil fuel energy than the biofuel energy it eventually produces.
Production will soon hit the "blend wall", when ethanol will meet 10% of fuel demand; the EPA allows blends of up to 10% ethanol (more might corrode engines).
For the production state of fuel ethanol from summer corn in China, carbon budgets in overall life cycle of the ethanol were evaluated and its main influence factors were identified.
With the forthcoming global energy crisis, food crisis and environmental crisis, the production of fuel ethanol by renewable resource such as cellulose has brought about worldwide attention.
This paper was produced fuel ethanol by solid-state fermentation and at the same time investigated the influence of cellulase on ethanol production from sweet sorghum stalks in same condition.
This paper is first to introduce the isobutylene utilization worldwide (USA), then the present situation of MTBE production at home and abroad, and it will being replaced by Ethanol as fuel additive.
This study provided a basis for optimization of production technology of fuel ethanol with corn stalk as material.
The pretreatment of lignocellulose is a critical step in the production of fuel ethanol by lignocellulosic materials.
Guangxi has plentiful cassava resource, which is an ideal feedstock for production of renewable fuel ethanol.
The widely using of fuel ethanol was limited by its high production cost.
When production of ethanol fuel is not sufficient for the demand, ethanol can be imported from Brazil (the world's top producer of sugar based ethanol fuel), has used ethanol blends since 1939.
It all began in the late 1970's when the first farm scale, fuel-ethanol production still in the nation was developed at SDSU.
Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramatically reduce the amount of plants available for uses other than fuel.
We can harness homegrown, alternative fuels like ethanol and spur the production of more fuel-efficient cars.
We can harness homegrown, alternative fuels like ethanol and spur the production of more fuel-efficient cars.