Hiking groups, a group of people who are enthusiastic about walking, running or hiking, are often seen walking at full speed along the street.
The prince was running at full speed after his dog when he almost fell over something that looked like a log of wood, which was lying in his path.
Running at full processing capacity it should achieve a speed of 1.206 teraflops. Its actual score was just 563.1 teraflops
When it is running at full throttle, the protons going round it will be travelling within 30cm a second of the speed of light.
And at first glance this seems like bad news: If we need these areas for the complex task of entering the world, why aren't they running at full speed when the challenges are most daunting?
Naturally, the larger the cache RAM the higher percentage of cache hits and the microprocessor can continue running full speed.
It opened recently and isn't yet running at full speed. When it does, many are holding out hope that dark matter will finally be pinned down.
Daily treadmill training over several weeks eventually enabled the rats to regain full weight-bearing walking, including backwards, sideways and at running speed.
Run (x 3) : moving three times your standard speed is a running pace for a character in heavy armor. It is moving about six miles per hour for a human in full plate.
But he waited till the end before proudly showing us a fluid simulation running at full speed on his palm top.
The unit makes full use of MPU resources and FUZZY-PID algorithm, and it generates PWM pulse by automatically adjusting PID parameters in order to realize the speed control of the running-rigs.
This machine can feed, separate , wash, dewater, discharge, and wash screen repeatedly as it is running at a full speed.
能在全速运转下自动实现进料、分离、洗涤、脱水、排液、卸料、洗网 等工序。
SILMEN full-speed shearer is an important device for fixed-scale steel tape shearing. Its running speed is highly related to the length and thickness of the steel tape.
Meanwhile this machine is equipped with time delay device, this function will keep all along the machine full speed running to ensure the quality of cutting.
Meanwhile this machine is equipped with time delay device, this function will keep all along the machine full speed running to ensure the quality of cutting.