Full-width aluminum alloy handle with replaceable labels, beautiful and practical;
For example, Japanese katakana characters can be written as full-width or half-width.
If you are using an Input Method Editor (IME), make sure that the argument is not given using full-width characters.
I've had a look into using responsive images such as this and this but with no luck, as it makes only the one image full-width.
The group rooms offer the right setting for any mood or whim: light or dark, high or low, steep or flat... Full-width panorama Windows open the rooms to the garden.
The terrace runs the full width of the house.
Brim: Moderate width. Snap the brim to its full width and turn it up. Never snap it down or it will make your face appear shorter.
WVGA displays are typically the resolution (800x480) that is necessary to show most Web sites in full page-width.
Through binoculars, the tail appears about the same length as the width of the full moon in the sky.
Instead, Cameron's first full-length dramatic feature since Titanic comes billed as the shape of films to come - and that shape has height and width and depth.
Only Branislav Ivanovic, striding forward from full-back and using the width when Giggs was narrow, occasionally looked a danger (see diagram).
As the cone spreads across the landscape along the flight path, they create a continuous sonic boom along the full width of the cone's base.
Full width glazing of the living space creates the illusion of two detached buildings.
Ground areas gather access and play, and transition to exterior and interior living spaces orientating to the sounds view through a central breezeway and full width ceiling baffles.
Each apartment in the central section runs the full width of the building and is accessed via walkways at the rear of the building, again with strong horizontal lines defined by steel screens.
Unless otherwise specified, all geometric tolerances apply for full depth, length, and width of the feature.
Each chair comes with a removable full width footrest.
Nearly 3, 000 light-years distant, theIC 1396 complex is relatively faint and covers a region on the sky with an apparent width of more than 10 full moons.
几乎有 3000光年之遥,IC 1396复合星系相对而言很是黯淡,不过在天空中占据了超过10 个满月的宽度。
The Sensor Bar contains an array of sensors across the full width of the scanning head.
Full-backs are key for your width in a diamond formation. Was that the attraction of getting Ashley Cole?
A deep ipe-wood deck extends along the full width of the entry level and connects to another, similar deck on the lower level.
Full width half Maximum (FWHM) : the width of a curve (for example, the PSF) at half of it's peak value.
The full width of transmission function at half maximum is broadened and the visibility is reduced because of the instrumental linewidth and the periodicity of transmission function.
The rear facade is similar although the grid is more regular, with window bays that span the full width of the building.
The relation between the width of central bright fringe together with full width at half maximum of central bright fringe and every waveguide parameter is analyzed.
During the construction of embankments the Contractor shall control and direct constructional traffic uniformly over the full width.
By using laser Raman spectrum method, the samples full width at half maximum (FWHM) and depolarization ratio of laser Raman spectrum at stretching vibration were measured.
By laser Raman spectrum method, the samples' full width at half maximum (FWHM) and depolarization ratio of laser Raman spectrum at stretching vibration were measured.
The theoretic analyses show that the full width at half maximums (FWHM) of different slopes are the same, that is the FWHM of confocal axial response is irrelevant to tilt Angle.
The theoretic analyses show that the full width at half maximums (FWHM) of different slopes are the same, that is the FWHM of confocal axial response is irrelevant to tilt Angle.