Availability - With circular logging mode, only offline full backup is possible.
Full backup — Backs up the full database, including all file groups and transaction logs.
A full backup gives you a complete backup (sometimes it is referred to a level 0 backup).
Do a full backup of your system before proceeding, and test that the backup is reliable.
If the last backup was a full backup image, it and the delta provide the most complete backup.
An incremental backup is a backup of all changes since the most recent successful, full backup.
From this figure you can see that an incremental backup is really based on the last full backup.
An incremental backup is a backup of all changes since the most recent, successful, full backup.
A full backup includes part of the transaction log so that you can recover the full backup.
Filesystems level backup for DB2 Content Manager system is similar to that of offline full backup.
DB 2ContentManager系统的文件系统级备份与脱机完整备份类似。
A full backup of a file system may be restored and subsequent incremental backups layered on top of it.
Assuming we back up as depicted above - Sunday full backup, Monday to Saturday we do incremental backups.
Restore a full backup, replay the logs of all transactions since the backup, and your recovery is complete.
The following command does a full backup of Linux with all ext2 and ext3 file systems to a SCSI tape device.
This is the building block of any recovery strategy, without a full backup image, you can't start to restore.
An incremental backup grabs all changes since the last full backup image (sometimes called a level 1 backup).
If transaction logging is used for backups, use this switch only before the full backup schedule (once a week).
Hard links are very cheap to create and maintain, so a full backup is simulated using only an incremental scheme.
The current Stack Overflow full backup is about 7 GB compressed, and the other databases are perhaps 2 GB compressed.
Note that you can restore either a full backup manually, apply the Saturday incremental backup image and roll forward.
Differential backup — Backs up all of the modified pages in a database after the last successful full backup is completed.
If a delta is preceded by one or more deltas, you need all deltas until you reach an incremental backup or a full backup image.
In six months of using SuperMemo, I had to restore from a full backup three times, each time losing six to eight hours of work.
This is different than the strategy shown in Figure 1, which requires you to have only one full backup, one incremental, and logs.
这与图1 所示的策略不同,它仅需要一个完整的备份、一个增量备份和日志。
For a delta backup, you need to maintain all the backups taken since the last full backup in order to be able to reconstruct the data.
The BANK database has an approximate size of 36 MB (a full backup of the database can provide a quick way to measure the database size).
After your initial upload - which may take a while, so set it up before you go to sleep - you will have a full backup of your photo library.
Each successive incremental image contains the entire contents of the previous incremental image and the changes since the previous full backup.
Each successive incremental image contains the entire contents of the previous incremental image, and the changes since the previous full backup.
The second restores to the most recent state, using a combination of full backup plus rolling forward the transaction log, called rollforward recovery.