Make a bet with your partner: the loser gives a full body massage to the winner.
Going for a full body massage on a regular basis is one excellent way to help you fight off tensions.
We're going to -- it's the mental equivalent of the full body massage: every mental organ addressed. It really is.
我们给予你们的是一种通体的精神按摩,让你的每一个情 感的器官都受到刺激。
He was dismayed to find that Head massage was not generally available and very often omitted in a full body massage.
Get yourself a massage: you can go to a massage parlor or even better ask your spouse to give you a full body massage.
做按摩:你可以去按摩院,或叫你的配偶给你17 .做个全身按摩则更佳。
Our professional technicians for the beautiful full body massage you do will bring you a sweet, relaxed, comfortable massage enjoyment, allowing you to eliminate fatigue, mental times.
Noise-reduction headphones block the screech of the drill and play a CD of your choice, and the specially constructed dental chair channels the sound waves from the music into a full-body massage.
If so, I suggest you have a full-body massage because the price is almost the same as a three-part massage.
A relaxing warm stone therapy treatment, which combines a full body Swedish Massage with the use of heated lava stones.
A relaxing warm stone therapy treatment, which combines a full body Swedish Massage with the use of heated lava stones.