The bill of lading gives a full description of the goods.
There is a lot more to COM than that, for a full description take a look in the SDK.
Please refer to your main distribution doc or man pages for a full description of those commands.
You can also find a full description of the request processing life cycle in the JSF specification.
For a full description of the different authentication schemes, refer to the DB2 UDB Documentation.
关于各种身份验证方案的完整描述,请参阅DB 2UD b文档。
This course features an extensive readings list and a full description of the course assignments.
The regulations require a full description of the physical and chemical characteristics of the drug substance.
An aspect of the outsourcing contract's Terms and Conditions. A full description of the involved parties and processes.
I am not sure exactly how it works, but this is amazingly accurate. Read the full description, then look at the picture.
A full description of the support for authentication in the IBM WebSphere UDDI registry is outside the scope of this article.
A full description of this Web service is outside the scope of this article, but you can read more in the Resources for this article.
For a full description of OAuth, please refer to the OAuth Core 1.0a specification and the beginner's guide in the Resources section.
有关OAuth的完整描述,请参考参考资料部分中的OAuthCore 1.0a规范和新手指南。
A full description of the Automatic Restart Management Policy parameters can be found in: MVS Setting up a Sysplex, IBM manual SA22-7625.
对于自动重启管理规则参数的完整描述可以在此处找到:MVS Settingupa Sysplex,IBMmanual SA22 - 7625。
Thispaper gives a full description of the function, types, techniques and tools, work frames and limits of network content analysis.
It would be just as easy to create custom XML for a Product Search view, which included the full description and stock level for each item.
Shop assistant: be more specific if you're going to complain about a member of staff. Find out their name or give a very full description.
Full description of the matter: power and money, sometimes not have the comparative advantage of core competence, talent is the most valuable.
In that case, it's unlikely that you would want to display the full description of every item in every past order, or tell the user his or her name.
Placing it in the library makes the full description of MedPublisher, including the endpoint address, available to any project that uses the library.
Thus, we see that these artifacts, when they exist and are combined, form a full description of the key elements of the as-is enterprise (see Figure 3).
A full description with a complete and detailed component descriptions followed by component interaction walkthroughs can be found in the Resources section.
For a full description of the skin specs, see the SKIN_SPEC file included in any of the projects of this article, or see the SLIK home page (listed in Resources).
Cutting stock problem has a wide spectrum of application. This paper gives a full description, classification and analyses the difficulty to solve the problem.
A full description of the variable aperture collimator, which makes it easier to switch field size during CyberKnife procedures, is published in Physics in Medicine & Biology.
A full description of the variable aperture collimator, which makes it easier to switch field size during CyberKnife procedures, is published in Physics in Medicine & Biology.