Wednesday marked the two cities were full of twists and turns finishing concussion-like posture.
This very short story written by Xiao Wang is skillfully constructed and full of twists and turns.
The road to success is full of twists and turns, good life need to accumulate, self-motivated, be your initial set sail for the dream.
The road up until that point was full of twists and turns that can't be explained in a simple way, so I've put the details in my book.
Latest voter surveys show Obama currently in the lead, but in a campaign full of twists and turns, analysts say anything can happen between now and November 4.
The course of life never runs smoothly for it is full of ups and downs and twists and turns.
Life is a story, which is full of turns and twists, but we will find it marvelous after we overcome all the difficulties.
Though Dickinson treated love as her life , her life of feelings was full of frustrations , twists and turns . Her love had always accompanied pain .
Though Dickinson treated love as her life , her life of feelings was full of frustrations , twists and turns . Her love had always accompanied pain .