Since it's a Wednesday, the farmer's market is in full swing on my way to work.
Our scholarly festival, the organizer of the full swing of "flea Book Fair" activities.
The Industrial age was in full swing, mass production made prices fall to all time lows.
Then my trek mates and our crew came, and soon a boiled potato gathering was in full swing.
Therefore, let's all exert ourselves together and have the column show itself in full swing.
By yesterday, the Shanghai 2008 winter conscription medical work in full swing on the first day.
Full swing implementation was in 2008 after GSIS tapped systems integrator Questronix Corporation.
Regardless of what you see the pros do on the television, the bunker is always a full swing motion.
With the arrivals of teams in full swing, competing nations were grappling with their own problems.
Depending on where you live, university graduation season is approaching - or already in full swing.
With the movie set in full swing, it gave Airmen a peek into Hollywood life and a moment in the spotlight.
The preparations were in full swing, and I could smell the Turkey wafting from the kitchen, as I opened my door.
We were sharing a quiet moment a few doors down from the Longacre Theatre where rehearsals were in full swing.
To those monumental happenings the annual bacchanal of Carnival, now in full swing, seemed an appropriate backdrop.
So, the next time you see a party in full swing on a floating gin palace on a floating gin palace remember this.
While passengers make themselves comfortable in the passenger compartment, the work is in full swing in the cockpit.
Swimsuit season may now be in full swing for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but that doesn't mean we're ready.
If it is hard to stop booms once they are in full swing, it is no easier to prevent them from starting in the first place.
With parliamentary and presidential elections three and six months away respectively, Russia's political season is in full swing.
My Web search confirmed that the program to improve Chinese software engineering practices is already in full swing in the universities.
Different installations appear at Gunhangje Festival when the cherry blossoms are in full swing. There are also many cultural events.
Although it will take years to establish whether banks’ accounts have painted too bleak a picture, the rows are already in full swing.
BACK AT THE VILLAGE, that night, the festival of the hunt is in full swing... a feast with music, dancing and lots of sturmbeest steaks.
"H1N1 flu could die down soon and return later again this fall when the [northern hemisphere] flu season enters back in full swing," she said.
The RUP-inspired "rhythm of the iterations" is in full swing by Construction phase, and this heartbeat has particular relevance to testers.
RUP 提到的迭代节奏到构建阶段还是活跃着的,并且该频率与测试人员有特别的关系。
The RUP-inspired "rhythm of the iterations" is in full swing by Construction phase, and this heartbeat has particular relevance to testers.
RUP 提到的迭代节奏到构建阶段还是活跃着的,并且该频率与测试人员有特别的关系。