Its huge leaves grow to 2.5m in diameter, and a fully-grown leaf can support a little kid sitting in the center.
“I feel pretty privileged to be able to nap with my head resting on a fully-grown polar bear, ” said Mark.
The fully-grown fruit (to use a more delicate expression) should be soft, brown and with a specific aroma which it acquires only by ripening for a few weeks.
It suggested that oviposition behavior itself was normally induced on the fully-grown rice, but the entire process was not completed due to some deterring factors.
After 6 months of pregnancy, at the end of the second trimester, everything has developed and is functioning as it will in the fully-grown baby. It's all there, just very small and immature.
When fully grown, however, the crabs can readily withstand tidal currents without burrowing, and thus they acquire substantial populations of barnacles.
Stem cell researchers have found a way to get perfectly usable stem cells from fully grown human beings.
Green leaves have grown on the new sprouts, but they have not fully grown yet.
Researchers beg an restricting half the monkeys' diets, reducing their calories by 30%, when the monkeys were fully grown, or about 10 years old.
Girls not fully grown, or women stunted by malnutrition, often have small pelvises that make them prone to obstructed labor.
A fully grown giant male croc likely would have had to commandeer miles of river territory to regularly find enough prey sustain itself, Sereno explained.
More on Chimpsky, who was also the subject of the documentary film Project Nim: I liked him, but I wouldn't want to meet him as a fully grown chimpanzee on my own.
And, crucially, is it not yet known if the nanotubes will find their way into the fruit of fully grown plants.
And then one day, seeing a young tree and wondering if that's how fully grown trees start out.
Above the box of rabbits was a hand-written sign in Chinese characters which proclaimed that these little cuties were Australian pygmy rabbits which were already fully grown.
Among almost sevenhundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foothigh, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.
I duppose when their feathers and wings are fully grown , and they don ’ t need the constant care of their parents .
For the first day or so, my wife and I consoled ourselves that, since the tiny rabbits were already fully grown, the clean-up activities would remain manageable and not become too tiresome.
Plants in a water treatment lagoon will be cut down when fully grown and harvested for biofuel.
City residents have gone to sleep beside grim building sites and woken to find fully grown trees where once was only mud and girders.
Among almost sevenhundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foothigh, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours。
They are selectively bred from a mix of pot-bellied, New Zealand kune kune, Gloucester Old Spot and Tamworth pigs until they attain tiny proportions – fully grown, they stand at just over a foot.
它们是有选择地从大肚猪(pot-bellied)、新西兰困困猪(kune kune)、格洛斯特古老斑点猪(Gloucester Old Spot)以及汤沃斯猪(Tamworth)杂交而成,以获得娇小的身材——发育成熟后,它们站立时身高比一英尺多一点点。
Panda a after fully grown soft fat, limbs, about 15 meters long body, shoulder high around 70-80 cm, weight 70-125 kg.
When they are fully grown the leopards will, like all the other big cats at the centre, eat up to 18kg (40lb) of meat a week, including a mixture of horse, calf and rabbit meat.
Once the chicks are fully grown they do not stay with their parents. They may live in bigger groups called flocks.
It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon.
The smallest marsupial in all the world is but 45mm in length. So small that when fully grown it can stand comfortable in a dessert spoon.
A fully grown leafy sea dragon can reach about 45 cm (18 inch).
A fully grown leafy sea dragon can reach about 45 cm (18 inch).