Of all the men in the survey, they rate themselves the least fun-loving and the most responsible.
The Riverwalk in San Antonio is a vibrant, fun-loving place.
When Laura is sober, she is a vivacious, outgoing, fun-loving person.
Anderson believes that unmanned aircraft are not just for fun-loving hobbyists.
A playful bracelet with dangling crystals on chains is a 'must-have' for fun-loving people.
Michael: I'm Michael, this is my mom Maria, and we're the fun-loving Italians from Chicago.
I really want to meet a woman who is honest, kind, humorous, fun-loving, lively and vivacious.
I was in far from the best mood when we met, but her enthusiasm and fun-loving attitude immediately got the best of me.
I have a tendency to sound formal online, perhaps due to the volume of my voice, but I am actually a fun-loving person.
Despite such tribulations, Mr. Khan maintained an affable, fun-loving persona, according to former co-workers and acquaintances.
The fun-loving twins were at boozy parties two nights in a row, the first a Beverly Hills bash where Jenna, 19, was photographed holding a drink.
This can be a good and lasting relationship. yxtVg. comou are both fun-loving and quite oblivious to the faults that might drive most people crazy.
For instance, if your images show you as a fun-loving type and you want to be taken more seriously, then it is time to make some changes to your images.
Originally played on California's shores by fun-loving beachgoers to decide who would buy the beer, beach volleyball has since evolvedsintosa serious sport.
The boys don't think what they're doing is wrong and say they're not pick-up artists and instead they're just "fun-loving English people having a good time".
Though many of the racers focused on antics like dressing their robots as dinosaurs, Mr. Anderson believes that unmanned aircraft are not just for fun-loving hobbyists.
As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming and spineless.
It was Saturday evening and Yukio Hatoyama, wearing a Burgundy jacket and a cocky grin, was dancing with his fun-loving wife under the bright lights of a charity fashion-show.
After the year in New Orleans, Mother came home to Hope eager to put her anesthesia training into practice, elated at being reunited with me, and back to her old fun-loving self.
For the more active Valentine's Day date, ice skating or roller skating is a great way to have a youthful time on a date and keep the theme of the whole night young and fun-loving.
Dennis Rodman, the muscular, tattooed, and much ballyhooed player formerly of the Chicago Bulls, makes headlines whenever he pulls another of his crazy but fun-loving publicity stunts.
The mayor of a US town where fun-loving Prince Harry is staying during helicopter training has warned him to be on his best behavior with its young women, the Daily Mail of London reported.
Sydney offers up a different type of fellow at number six, where fun-loving, blond-streaked surfer dudes will be more than happy to take the globe-trotting girls for a stroll on Bondi Beach.
For the secretive or creepy type, Vice City is full of surprises, a place where you'll constantly be surprised by the vivacious, fun-loving types who live there and the things you can discover.
Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August.
Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August.