Dwelling Spaces is a destination spot for fun home accessories and unique gifts for yourself, family and friends.
So in the process of the creation, designers break the general business hotel is depressing, instead of bright colors and fun home furnishing articles.
Sid was sick and had to miss the fun; Mary remained at home to entertain him.
That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone (using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).
It was fun to drive the robot throughout the first floor of my home, chasing the cats and seeing if anything was somehow different.
And of course you can't have fun at work if you don't have fun at home.
It means you explore ways to have fun near your home.
I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.
Thus, it's tempting, when one sits down to send news home, to do the unconventional and use the small space allotted for writing to have a little fun.
This is one thing visitors to our home can't resist poking fun at but we know they're just secretly jealous.
She came into our homes and showed us that cooking, especially French cooking, was fun and something that anyone could do in their own home.
What interesting sights are there to see and what fun things are there to do in their home towns?
It means you only go places that are far if they're important. It means you explore ways to have fun near your home.
Everybody knows the essentials of home decor such as beds, tables, and wall units for the TV, but there are some neat home decor accessories that are just plain fun!
The owner, noticing that she was blonde, decided to have some fun and told her she could save some money if, when she got home she would blow real hard in the tailpipe, and the dents would pop out.
In our home, the winner gets to decide where our next fun family outing will be - bumper bowling, the family arcade or a kids' movie night to name a few.
But deterring them with home-made gadgets is more fun.
In our home, the winner gets to decide where our next fun family outing will be a bumper bowling, the family arcade or a kids' movie night to name a few.
Why would you go home when you can have meals, take exercise and enjoy fun in the office?
Make a point of printing out your best photographs and hang them in your home so you can remember the summer warmth and fun even when it's a bit chilly outside.
It may take awhile to get such a fun job, but taking good wine home to taste after work sounds like a pretty nice job perk.
After the year in New Orleans, Mother came home to Hope eager to put her anesthesia training into practice, elated at being reunited with me, and back to her old fun-loving self.
Wouldn't it be fun, Diana, if now, as we went home, we were to meet our old selves running along Lover's Lane?
There are dozens of things you can do at home that cost nothing, and that are relaxing and fun.
When your child screams and cries because she doesn't want to leave the playground, give her a hug and tell her you know it's hard to go home when she's having so much fun.
A fun photo of you in front of a monument can be framed once you get back home and will last a lifetime.
That's part of the fun of doing these little at-home projects, after all.
That's part of the fun of doing these little at-home projects, after all.