Therefore, you have to load it back in because it was clobbered in the function call.
Note that since this code only deals with buffers, there is almost no code except the function call which is specific to uppercase-conversion.
To gather a function call trace, you need to identify when every function is called in your application.
I like the function call technique, but I'm not sure I like that all the book data goes in as one block.
In this scenario, performance would be superb, and transactions would complete in times approaching those of a function call.
However, it's important to notice that this still leaves an extra layer of indirection — each function call is resolved through a jump into a table.
Now both files can be included safely together, and we specify which namespace to use to handle our function call.
Messages are collections of parameters used as profiles in determining the input and output values for a function call.
You need to do this because your parameter will get clobbered on the recursive function call, and you will need access to it afterwards.
Once you have made the changes to the XML document in memory, a single function call writes it back out to the configuration file.
The difference is that with recursive functions, you rarely have to modify any variable — you just pass the new values as parameters to the next function call.
Returns the result of the above function call to the client and logs the information on the server.
Each entry shows the number of times that the function was called and statistics on the processing time for the function call.
Global variables are never allocated to registers. Global variables can be changed by assigning them indirectly using a pointer, or by a function call.
You then can call the functions using standard function call syntax, by combining this prefix with the name of the method to be invoked.
The function call would result in the process Broker executing a process that grouped an asset manipulation on the content service with a financial transaction on the payment service.
In case you're curious, the inner function call converts the input string into a timestamp that complies with a specific format.
For example, a function call might be described in an overview and then later in the chapter in a programming example.
These functions take environment, connection, statement, or descriptor handles as input and return the diagnostic information related to the last function call made using that handle.
Listing 6 shows data encoded in a function call.
An application calls a BAPI using a remote function call (RFC).
Although using a string variable is easier, you might need to use an internal table if a remote function call sends the dynamic SQL code.
Remember that when a program makes a function call (especially for recursive ones), it has to store its return address and local variables on the stack.
Let's start by disabling the full-screen functionality by commenting out a function call above and rebuilding GIMP.
An operation is a programmer's tool, offered to them in the familiar guise of a function call.
However, that means that when a function makes a function call, it should expect that all of the values in volatile registers will be overwritten.
If they are different, it actually modifies your code to swap TOC references on function call and return.
The JSON output produced after the function call in Listing 9 is shown in Listing 10.
Only when the function call is completely finished is the space for the activation record released for reuse (more on this later).
直到函数调用彻底完成 时,活动记录使用的空间才会被释放以便重用(更多信息请参看后面的介绍)。
Only when the function call is completely finished is the space for the activation record released for reuse (more on this later).
直到函数调用彻底完成 时,活动记录使用的空间才会被释放以便重用(更多信息请参看后面的介绍)。