While the article does not provide an in-depth functional description of each of the improvements, it thoroughly describes each one.
Service policies become a critical part of service descriptions, augmenting the basic WSDL functional description with a statement of nonfunctional service behaviors.
This article completes the description of that modeling process with two other steps that help detail the functional and presentational aspects of the systems being built.
It is the goal of the proposed Web services Description Language (WSDL) to describe services at a functional level.
Any piece of code with a WSDL description of its functional aspects and access protocols can be considered to be a Web service.
CASTEP is a software package which USES density functional theory to provide a good atomic-level description of all manner of materials and molecules.
Chapter Five: Spatial Relations of functional grammar description of the Russian teaching practice guiding significance.
As for the syntactic functional expressions, the notional passive is employed for the description of the subject in its sentence.
The system architecture design, functional design, interface design, and database design are discussed in details and description. This software system developed into a trial in Yunnan Post Company.
This paper gives a brief description on the properties, regulation, signal transduction pathways, pharmacology and functional significance of nonselective cation channels in smooth muscles.
This description is divided into two aspects, one is generated limited form factors, including environmental, functional and economic;
This description is divided into two aspects, one is generated limited form factors, including environmental, functional and economic;