The Rwanda evaluation was financed by the Spanish Trust Fund for Impact Evaluation (SIEF), the largest trust fund ever established in the World Bank focused on impact evaluation.
The building and repairing of roads in America is paid for by a federal petrol tax, which replenishes the highway trust fund.
Steer says the Bank's experience in Aceh in managing a multi donor trust fund has also highlighted the need for co-ordination within the donor community.
Based in Geneva, the UNITAID trust fund and secretariat are hosted by WHO.
Based in Geneva, its Trust Fund and lean Secretariat are hosted by WHO.
When gas prices rose dramatically in 2008, Americans began flocking to mass transit in droves, resulting in declining revenues for the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
Fuel taxes go into the highway Trust Fund (HTF), which was created in 1956 to finance highway construction nationally.
The ASEM Trust Fund established at ASEM II has already been launched, which testifies to the resolve of the two continents to tide over the financial crisis in their joint efforts.
So when he died he left most of his wealth in a trust to fund what would later be known as the Nobel Prizes.
This was put into a trust fund for past expenses and any future medical costs involved in Julian's treatment.
The legislation also includes Miscellaneous Tariff Bill provisions and provisions to replenish the Wool Trust Fund, which will support jobs in Montana and across America.
Oh, well if you're on the Universe's list, step right on in, there's loads of trust fund money and mimosas by the pool on your left.
Real estate trusts are the earliest and typical forms of real estate finance, and real estate investment trusts (REITs) (fund) are widespread in Western countries' real estate trust industry.
For example, if a trust fund is to be given to a child once he or she finishes college, the funds are said to be in abeyance until the goal is reached.
After analyzes us or to be allowed to see the real estate investment trust fund has the broad application prospect in our country.
This is a fund constituted in the form of a unit trust under the laws of Mauritius.
Among them, the legal rules of venture capital fund raising describe the different rules of private offering in corporation system, limited partnership and trust-type of venture capital fund.
So the fund beneficiary's right to benefit is not only a creditor's right but also a title in nature, which is precisely the peculiarity in the protection the law of trust offers to the trusts.
We have no role in the underlying assets of the trust (s) (" Fund assets ").
However, hope is in the air. Indian steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal has established a trust to fund athletes' training and medical care and "to put India firmly on the medal grid" for 2012.
I seek a trust worthy foreign person to assist me achieve this my late father fund because of my refugee situation here in this country.
The first official mutual fund, the Massachusetts Investors Trust, was established in 1924.
Trust fund to assist states in the settlement of disputes through the international court of justice;
2: Trust: Emily goes after a hedge-fund manager who helped get her father thrown in prison, and she and Daniel embark on their first date.
Xuan Yuan Fund was held in trust by Hebei Stock Depository Centre on 28th July, 2011 and simultaneously obtained a seat in Hebei Property Rights Exchange Centre.
Xuan Yuan Fund was held in trust by Hebei Stock Depository Centre on 28th July, 2011 and simultaneously obtained a seat in Hebei Property Rights Exchange Centre.