Generally in a market where interest rates fluctuate occasionally, there is usually little concern about funding risk or the need to consider hedging.
The general evaluation is done mainly in the three respects of real estate cost risk analyses, development funding risk analyses, financial risk and policy risk analyses.
They risk losing the next tranche of funding.
That seems fair: Germany is putting more money at risk in funding the errant trio than any other country.
Yet even this close to the final goal, the lack of funding is the greatest risk facing this historic effort.
While these Banks' deposit funding means their liquidity risk is low, they may struggle to find local assets suitable to hold in their liquidity buffer based on Basel definitions.
Reviving important non-bank funding sources, such as securitisation, is essential, even if its huge expansion in the credit boom led to the mispricing of risk.
Funding liquidity risk is the risk that a trader cannot fund his position and is forced to unwind.
There is no doubt that the brain drain is real and at risk of getting worse if funding and morale falls in this country.
The rest of funding for underground lending comes from ordinary families, which can put entire communities at risk.
He worried more than most about liquidity risk, the danger of cash-flows and funding drying up (which many financiers ignored at their peril in the last boom).
It will stream towards more creditworthy borrowers. It will follow a more defined course, constrained by embankments of capital, funding and risk management.
At an Interagency autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) hearing the same day, Dr. Dawson detailed some of the research autism Speaks is funding on risk factors for autism.
During negotiations the White House insisted that the companies be required to make drastic changes to their operations and reduce costs by next spring, or risk losing access to the public funding;
"A shortfall or a delay in funding could compromise achievements of 2004 and 2005 and the health of millions of people could be at increased risk" said Dr Guido Sabatinelli, WHO Representative Sudan.
“资金缺口或延迟资助可损害2004—2005年的成就并且使数百万民众的健康处于加大的危险,”世卫组织驻苏丹代表Guido Sabatinelli博士说。
"Without full funding of these emergency requirements, we risk again the specter of widespread hunger, malnutrition, and social unrest on an unprecedented scale," Ban warned.
Started in 2007 with funding from Western Alliance Bancorp (WAL), the fledgling firm has three key tenets: keep rates steady, eliminate fees, and rigorously evaluate the risk of potential customers.
The project lifecycle provides stakeholders with oversight, transparency, and steering mechanisms to control project funding, scope, risk exposure, value provided, and other aspects of the process.
项目生命周期向 涉众提供了监督、透明和指导机制,从而控制项目资金、范围、风险、价值以及该过程的其他方面。
Given the precarious nature of GE Capital's funding structure, GE should have been alert to the risk of a complete dislocation in financial markets.
What places polio eradication most in jeopardy now is the funding gap, which we must deal with equally rapidly to ensure that children in the Horn of Africa and other high-risk areas are protected.
B. Re-evaluate the risk analysis and contingency funding.
JET concluded that the F-22 engineering and manufacturing development program would require additional time and funding to reduce risk before the F-22 enters production.
喷气结论的F - 22的工程和制造开发计划将需要更多的时间和资金,以减少风险,然后使用的F - 22进入生产。
"The risk-reward ratio is worst for non-founders in pre-traction/pre-funding situations, " he writes.
It will follow a more defined course, constrained by embankments of capital, funding and risk management.
Therefore, in carrying out its investment banking business and investors will take into account the funding requirements of financial profitability, liquidity, the best combination of risk.
They can sell tickets via crowd funding campaigns, and mitigate the risk of under-selling the required number of tickets to profitably run a show, an exhibition, or any particular affair.
America's reliance on foreign funding means the risk of a currency crash cannot be ruled out, however.
America's reliance on foreign funding means the risk of a currency crash cannot be ruled out, however.