An endophytic fungus resistance to penicillin was isolated from hyacinthus orientalis by culturing on a preliminary screening medium.
The present invention is characterized by low use cost, the property of delaying fungus resistance and the safe use on plant and environment.
The prepared nanometer fiber has good mechanical properties, flame retardance, anti radiation, fungus resistance, ageing resistance and extraordinary far infrared reflection effects.
Killing the mosquitoes themselves through natural means solves some of the problems facing malaria control. The mosquitoes are less likely to develop resistance to the fungus than insecticides.
The deep fungus showed various resistance to 6 anti fungus drugs.
In consideration of the characteristics of high temperature and high salt in Wenmingzhai Oilfield, FM composite microbial fungus is introduced, which is of high temperature and salt resistance.
In consideration of the characteristics of high temperature and high salt in Wenmingzhai Oilfield, FM composite microbial fungus is introduced, which is of high temperature and salt resistance.