Metals readily corrodible in fused salt, such as titanium, can be heat treated in fused salt bath under cathodic protection.
The method comprises steps that a fused salt electrolysis process is used for removing the sulfur in the copper sulfide core by using the copper sulfide ore as cathode and fused salt as electrolyte.
The electrolyte used in the invention is a calcium chloride fused salt system, into which sodium chloride, lithium chloride or admixture of the sodium chloride and the lithium chloride can be admixed.
本发明使用的电解质为氯化钙熔盐体系,可 在其中掺入氯化钠、氯化锂或它们的混合物。
The electrolyte used in the invention is a calcium chloride fused salt system, into which sodium chloride, lithium chloride or admixture of the sodium chloride and the lithium chloride can be admixed.
本发明使用的电解质为氯化钙熔盐体系,可 在其中掺入氯化钠、氯化锂或它们的混合物。