The combined use of fuzzy mathematics, neural net method and gray system theory in the selection of mining method for Jinshan gold mine was a new trial.
This paper describes the new multi objective fuzzy optimization used in the choice of mining methods, and compares with the gray decision theory.
This paper researched on the fuzzy and gray theory, recognized facial image by fuzzy and gray method, which can reduce original data and guarantee and improve the precision.
Study method and predicting models for traffic safety are introduced. Comparisons on statistical analysis, fuzzy mathematical analysis and method of gray theory are made.
The traffic safety of the urban signalized roundabout along with traffic conflict technique, fuzzy mathematics and gray theory has been evaluated in this paper.
The gray model forecasting theory and fuzzy control technology are introduced, and a new method based on gray model forecasting and fuzzy control of coal-feed in a jig is proposed in the paper.
All are the concept of uncertainty such as the fuzzy concept, the concept of gray, the concept of random and the concept attributes. The theory of real options excels in the study of uncertainty.
Based on the theory of the information measure for fuzzy sets, the information measure for gray-tone images is discussed.
According to above research, a synthetic evaluating model is established for new product development based on gray-fuzzy theory, and has better effect in practice.
According to above research, a synthetic evaluating model is established for new product development based on gray-fuzzy theory, and has better effect in practice.