Neuro fuzzy system can be used in image de-noising problems.
A new way to analyze stability issues of T-S fuzzy system based on observers is investigated.
提出了一种新的基于观测器的T S模糊系统稳定性分析方法。
In this paper, a ship fire alarm system is designed using fuzzy system theory and neural network.
Optimization in a fuzzy environment has long been a topic in the development of fuzzy system theory.
This paper studies the addition model SAM in fuzzy system standard and analyzes the set function in the model.
So, to study the convergence of powers of a fuzzy matrix is one of keys to study the stability of a fuzzy system.
Fuzzy matroid is a new fuzzy system originated with the introduction of notion 'fuzzy' into the theory of matroid.
Combining with fuzzy system development environment tools, it attempts to push real applications of fuzzy technique.
This paper presented a new approach for sensor fault detection and isolation in a t s fuzzy system with Gaussian white noises.
This paper presents a prediction model of frequency parameters of short-wave communication based on non-singleton fuzzy system.
The fuzzy-PID control arithmetic based on adaptive parameter is proposed by the characteristics of fuzzy system and PID system.
Then the paper proposes a brand new neural network, termed dyadic network, and a brand new fuzzy model, termed dyadic fuzzy system.
Fuzzy rule region-split method adopts the fuzzy system whose antecedents take the asymmetric Gauss function as membership function.
We transfer fuzzy system of nonlinear equations into a nonlinear programming. Then, some methods of nonlinear programming are used.
A new kind of fuzzy time series model is presented by using a fuzzy system of linear equations with fuzzy coefficients and real variables.
While a fuzzy system is described by a fuzzy relational matrix corresponding to the fuzzy input, the fuzzy output and the fuzzy controller.
The logical models for safety analysis of fuzzy system were set up, they were different from the usual method based on the probability theory.
The paper is focused on studying the standard additive model of an additive fuzzy system, and function representations with the standard additive model.
A novel real-time intelligent decentralized control strategy applicable to the nonlinear, uncertain, fuzzy system of urban region traffic was presented.
This paper uses the fuzzy system analysis to set up a regional L. R-L. P model, forecast with the parameter of the model and provide an auxiliary method.
本文用模糊系统分析的方法,建立一个地区的L.R— L.P模型,利用模型的参数进行预测,提供一种辅助方法。
This article describes a new type of fuzzy system with interpolating capability to extract MISO fuzzy rules from input output sample data through learning.
The research of fuzzy system identification is very important for achieving satisfactory performance of fuzzy control in both theory and application aspects.
Motivated by the designing idea of conventional feedforward control, an adaptive feedback-feedforward control scheme based on neuro-fuzzy system is proposed.
Fuzzy system identification and control is an important branch of the identification and control of general nonlinear system that is a complex research field.
This paper introduces a new adaptive fuzzy system with Gauss fuzzier (GAF), optimizing the parameter based on the data from PID by back-propagation algorithm.
Fuzzy system identification is one of the main approaches of fuzzy system modeling. Optimized fuzzy system structure is the key of fuzzy system identification.
The fuzzy system is used to approximate the system uncertain function, and the fuzzy system function obtained is taken as system uncertainty boundary function.
The design of the flight controller that exploits the advantages of the nonlinear dynamic inversion, adaptive fuzzy system and slide model control is discussed.
Fuzzy system is broadly used in the fields of control, signal process, communication, integrated circuit, Expert system, medical diagnosis and behavior science.
The input space of fuzzy system is partitioned by means of real time recursive fuzzy clustering, and the parameters of fuzzy model are confirmed by Kalman filtering.